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Finn's POV
Me and Caleb stepped out of the limo together, at the airport. We were all picking up Y/n, but we were the last ones out of the car.
" Finn! Caleb! Can you give us anything about season 4? Finn, what's going on with you and Y/n Y/l/n?" All the stupid guys with their cameras yelled. I rolled down my sleeves and pulled up my hood, hiding myself. No, I didn't mind the paparazzi taking photos of me too much, and it wasn't my anxiety, I just didn't want there to be pictures of me like this, all across the internet. I knew I had chapped and swollen lips, and that my eyes were red and puffy. My hair was greasy, and a mess, and I had been wearing the same clothes for a week, until today when I changed for the first time.
Once me and Caleb had pushed past all of the paparazzi, we tried to catch up with Noah, Millie, Gaten and Sadie and the Duffers.
" Finn, how are you doing?" Matt asked for the millionth time today, knowing that I was dreading seeing Y/n. Long story short, I was madly in love with her, but Y/n had told me that she didn't like me whatsoever in that way, and she thought of me as no more than a friend. It shattered my heart into a million pieces. She told me that seven weeks ago, just before she left to go home to her family, after Comic Con, and ever since she left, I've been so down, unable to eat, sleep, take care of myself. I just don't see the point in doing any of it. Everybody else thinks I'm slipping into depression, but I know I am already depressed. I don't wanna live anymore.
"Finn... Finn?" Ross said, concerned, as I had been in a mini kinda trance for about a minute.
" Y-yes..." I whispered, my voice breaking. I was trying desperately hard not to let the tears flow down my cheeks, but it hurt so bad to know the one person that I love more than anything doesn't love me. She was the person that made my life worth living.
" Are you okay, man?" Gaten asked, putting his hand on my shoulder, trying to comfort me,
" I just don't wanna live this life anymore."
And with that I started running, towards the men's bathroom. I ran in, crying, and sobbing, and began punching walls, in anger,
" Hey, kid, stop, stop! You're going to hurt yourself!" A middle aged man shouted pulling me away from the walls,
" GOOD! I WANT TO HURT MYSELF!" I yelled, walking into one of the stalls, and slamming the door shut. Fuck, fuck, fuck. I open my phone to see all these texts.

Millie- Come back, Y/n/n will be at her gate in 30 x

Caleb- man, stop this, if ur not there when she gets off her flight, Y/n will be heart broken.

Ross- would you like to go back to the house? I can come get you from the bathroom and we can get an Uber home.

I replied to Ross's text with a simple, yes. I feel so empty, and trapped, it's so frustrating knowing that it won't change, nothing I can do can change the way Y/n feels about me. NOTHING.

Y/n's POV
The last few weeks have been a living hell. I missed the cast to bits, and I missed Finn most of all. I lied when I told him I didn't love him, because I was scared. I thought it was a prank or something, but when I noticed how sad he looked in all his Instagram pics, I knew it was no prank. I bet he's over me now, though. He is way older than me, nearly four years, I guess that's another reason I was scared. Being hated on, being called a slut... my worst nightmare. I love Finn. I began feeling so angry at myself, that I began to self harm. I've stopped now, but the deep cuts still look fresh, and the scars are very visible, but nobody will notice. I bet Finn won't even be here to pick me up. I bet they just sent some dude or something. I've fucked up.

Finn's POV
Ross and I just got back to the mansion. Me and the cast were staying here, Netflix was paying for it all. We could stay here by ourselves since most of us are eighteen plus, apart from Y/n who is fifteen.
" Finn, man, listen, there are plenty of girls out there, and look at the comments on your Instagram posts, just girls loving you so much," Ross said, kind of awkwardly,
" How many Y/n Y/m/n ( middle name ) Y/l/n's are there?" I asked sarcastically, rolling my eyes, " the only girl I want is Y/n."
Ross sighed and got up, off the couch and walked to the kitchen. I turned on the TV, and saw that It had been added to Netflix, so I decided to watch it.

Y/n's POV
I got off my flight, and looked around, and spotted everyone.
I immediately began running and me, Millie and Sadie all started screaming and hugging.
" GIRL! I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" Screamed Sadie, jumping around like a little kid who had just won something at a carnival or something. Out of nowhere, Noah hugged me tightly from behind,
" Hey, baby sister!" He yelled, I turned around and hugged him harder. Noah and I call each other big brother and baby sister, because I'm a year younger than him.
Gaten and Caleb gave me a warm hug, and then Matt said, "hey, kiddo! We missed ya!" And kissed my forehead.
" sorry... Finn isn't here..." Caleb said awkwardly, giving me a sad smile,
" I-it's fine," I fake smiled. It felt like I had just been punched. Finn really does hate me.

Finn's POV
" hey, Finn, they just picked Y/n, they should be back in twenty," Ross sighed. I nodded, and got up, and walked into the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

30 mins later cuz I'm 1 lazy bitch

Finn's PoV still
I was laying on the couch, staring at the ceiling. Then I heard a lot of talking and laughing coming from outside, then the front door opened. Millie, Caleb and Noah walked in, then Y/n walked in. It was like time froze. My eyes widened, and I felt my eyes getting watery.
" Finn..." whispered Y/n, tears threatening to spill from her eyes,
" Y/n-n..." I stuttered, standing up.  " I'll go to my room." I added, beginning to walk away, as I knew that if I tried to speak to her, I'd break down crying.

Y/n's POV
" I'll go to my room."
As Finn began to walk away, I ran after him, and game him the tightest hug from behind, allowing myself to cry.
He turned around and I pulled him into a huge hug, and he nuzzled his face into my neck,
" I'm sorry, Finn... I'm so sorry..." I could see how broken he was, puffy eyes, he'd been crying, chapped lips, he'd been biting his lips. 

" I love you Finn Wolfhard," I whispered into his ear. He pulled away, as tears flowed down his cheeks,
" what?" He asked shocked,
" I said, I love you. I am in love with you Finn. Since I met you. Before I met you in fact, you were my celebrity crush for ages," I smiled.
" I love you."
" I love you too..." he whispered, his voice breaking.

I pulled him in for a kiss, and felt his warm tears dropping onto my skin.
" EWW NO PDA!" Gaten screamed, and I removed one of my hands from Finn's neck, not pulling away from the kiss, and gave gaten the finger from behind. Finn and I pulled away,
" fuck, I love you Y/n," Finn whispered.

Finn's PoV
" FINN! Finn snap out of it, man, you're doing it again," Caleb said, shaking me. Damn it, I was thinking about Y/n again.
" We know you miss her, Finn, but she'll be back in seven weeks," Millie smiled. Wait, I had dreamed of all of that? I still have seven weeks to wait. I still have seven weeks to wait for someone who still doesn't love me.

God that was weird and I've confused myself. Thanks for reading, please vote! Xxxx

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