1. Sister

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(read authors notes!)


Apparently Tina decided that  I was a complete idiot, because I found her in her room the next day making plans to crash some twelfth year's party they were having on Friday. "Tina," I tisked from the doorway, crossing my arms over my chest.

She narrowed her eyes at me, she spit a sickeningly sweet goodbye to whoever was on the phone with her and turned to me, "what do you want?" She asked with venom tracing her words.

"Hey, loose the attitude, I saved your ass last night from getting your head chopped off my mom, you should be thankful if anything," I rolled my eyes.

She let out a huff of irritation, keeping her poker face on. Tina was fifteen years old for gods-sake, she should be playing barbies with Claire down the street, but no, instead she wanted to hangout with Eleanor who's in grade eleven. Eleanor has had a crush on me for far too long, I had told her numerous times that I simply was and never will be interested in her, let alone any girl. 

I tapped my foot in the doorway, raising my eyebrows at her, "you're not going to anymore parties for a while."

"You're not the boss of me," she spat, sitting up a little straighter.

"No, but mom is and how do you think she would react to me telling her that you've been out drinking over Stan for four months now?"

Tina gasped, "Louis, you promised! You can't tell mom! She'll ground me from everything!"

I nodded, a smile of satisfaction played on my face, "so wouldn't you rather take my small punishment rather than mom's?"

Tina's eyelids hooded over in a look of distaste, "fine, I won't go to the party."

"Thank you..." I sighed. It was hard, mom was working full time and our dad barely visited, let alone sent us Christmas cards. It was my job to keep Tina walking on a straight line, making sure she got all of her shit together for when she moved onto Uni. 

Don't get me wrong, mom was great, it's not like she wasn't doing everything she could to keep us contained, she cared about Tina and she cared about me, she had a steady job as a nurse that paid good money and everything was alright. I just had to make sure Tina didn't put too much stress onto my mom.

"You should get a job somewhere, you know? Might take your mind off of things and keep you busy," I suggested, watching her scroll through her phone.

"Huh?" She looked up and shook her head. "Right, well, there really isn't anywhere I can get a job, now is there?"

I bit my tongue knowing I would regret the words if they came out of my mouth, but said them anyways, "I could get you a job at McDonald's," I shrugged, throwing the words out carelessly. 

Her head snapped up, "really? My friend Stella works there - the one that you work at, I think it'd be fun."

I cringed, "yeah, um, sure - I mean, I'll talk to my boss and see if I can get you in an interview?"

"That sounds great! Thanks, Lou, mom said I had to buy my own clothes from now on, so..."

"Yup, now you'll have money."

Then I left her room, scratching at my head and pulling out my phone from my pocket, two texts from Zayn. I shook my head, opening them up. 

Zayn: heyyy

Zayn: i got some maryj wanna come over??

I smirked, texting back quickly, I had homework I probably should've been doing, but I decided against it. I had a lot on my mind and I hadn't seen Zayn in a few days. Not to mention, we couldn't get a good deal on any weed lately, so we really did need a little smoke time. 

Louis: yaa mate, sounds good!!

I slipped out off my sweat pants and shrugged on some black skinnies that were laying on the floor. Zayn and I were good mates to say the least, yeah, there had been a few drunk hookups here and there but nothing to really destroy a friendship over. Most of the guys at my school were ignorant homophobes, so that didn't really help the fact that I barely got any action. 

Or maybe it was because most of the popular girls chased me around saying they wanted to be my bestfriend. And as soon as I told them I was a hardcore fanboy, they just laughed and laughed some more, but jokes on them because they're not the ones gaining internet fame.

It's true, over the past few days, my Tumblr had been blowing up everywhere, links to my fan fiction were being thrown around over Twitter and I had gained so many followers on everything. It was just really weird and exciting to say the least. Harryandlouis was everywhere, Larry Stylinson even more. It wasn't a big thing yet, but I had a fair amount of people who shipped us together and made insanely good edits.

Hey, I can't complain about getting all of this attention and manips being drawn out for me. I didn't really care if people knew who I was, or what I looked like, you know? Because it's not like I'd be in any real danger. 

I quickly got dressed and jogged back to Tina's room. "I'm going out, text me if you need anything," I said, sticking my head into her room. 

She was sitting cross-legged on her bed, typing away on her laptop, she barely acknowledged me, she hummed, "hm?"

"I'm going out," I repeated. 

Tina nodded, brushing me off lightly. I shook my head, walking back down the hall to get my bike from the back of the kitchen. Once I had gotten my little push bike out the back door and onto the tiny driveway we were blessed with having, I was off, peddling fast to Zayn's house. 

Once I was there I waited patiently outside his window. He stuck his head out and smiled down at me. "C'mon, mate, I got it!" He shook the bag of weed over my head. 

A large smile stretched onto my face as I gripped the window sill with my hands and pushed myself up to crawl into his room. I don't know why I never really went through the door, it just became a habit to to through the window because we had always done that as kids.

We sat against his bed rolling the joints on the carpet. "I'm pretty famous on Tumblr now, it's weird," I said.

Zayn rose and eyebrow at me, "Really? Did people like me in it? What about Tyler?" 

"Tyler's estatic, he's probably going to bombard me with questions at school tomorrow though and to be honest, people didn't really care about you in it, I mean, you didn't do much other than bring in Macy."

Zayn snorted, "shut up, man, you're talking about it like it actually happened."

I rolled my head back against the bed, "oh I wish it actually happened."

And our night went on smoking and laughing and giving each other head, so just another night as always.



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