2. Job

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A/N: i'm updating every sunday because i have like all my stories updating and i'm trying so hard to update each one once a week, so, i'm sorry if it's not frequent enough but it's all i can handle and i'm going into high school next year so i'm gonna be even busier :(

read below, you fools

(on a side note, for you fools who don't read the words properly and still don't know what's going on, louis wrote yours truly, louis and now it's real life. he made up a fake band and zayn is actually his real life friend, harry is a solo artist and you don't know who liam or niall are yet. tyler is his friend as well, he is not famous in this and neither are zayn or louis)


I rolled over on the mattress, feeling the lump beside me, hair slick and greasy, rubbing against my neck. I crinkled my nose and punched the lump in the arm. "Zayn," I mumbled, literally rolling off of the mattress and onto the carpet, grabbing at my pants and T-Shirt. 

"F.uck off, man," Zayn moaned, pulling the blanket up to his nose.

I rolled my eyes and slipped on my jeans, getting my tee on as well. Making my way over to the blinds I could hear Zayn snoring again which meant he had fallen back asleep. "F.uckin idiot..." I swore and tore open the blinds. 

I heard Zayn mumble a few profanities and then something hit the back of my shoulder, "Zayn, mate, you gotta get up."

I grabbed my phone off of the floor and checked for notifications. Work (Snooze). My eyes widened and I threw the blanket off of Zayn. Making a beeline for the closet, I hurriedly took out his work uniform and tossed it onto the mattress where Zayn was sitting up bleary-eyed and furious. He took one glance at his uniform and shot up, "oh, sh*t, sh*t, sh*t, she's going to kill us, what's the time?"

I checked my phone quickly, getting his car keys off of his desk, and shoving the bong into the top shelf off his closet, "Eight fifty-three."

"Well, sh*t, let's go!" Zayn yelled, buttoning up the top of his pants and slipping on shoes.

"We have to go to my house to get my uniform too," I panicked, realization hitting me.

"We can make it, leave your bike here, take my car, man," Zayn said, nodding at his keys in my hand. 

I nodded, running out of his house to get into his beat up Jeta, Zayn followed, pulling on his shirt as we went. I hit the gas and went on route to my house. 

At nine-ten o'clock we were at McDonald's working the drive-thru while Melanie decided to cover for us, as in lying to Cassandra and saying we were actually on time. Which we sure as hell weren't. Zayn leaned against the counter beside me while I struggled to keep a smile on and shovel fries into the goddamn box. 

"Having fun?" Zayn smirked,  clearly amused. 

"Oh, f*ck off, just because you work in stock doesn't mean you can chirp, it's the other way around actually - have a nice day -" giving the lady with two kids in the backseat her bag of grease and turning back to Zayn, "you're a little sh*t, you know?"

Zayn smiled, "I know, but we get the same pay, so hey, I'm not the one complaining."

"It's a joke," I rolled my eyes at him. "Your job is a joke, it's non-existent."

"I'm dating Lena," Zayn gasped, placing a hand on his chest.

"You don't even like girls, you wanker."

"It's like prostitution, though," he offered, raising an eyebrow.

"Prostitution is illegal."

"So is weed."

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