Lost In The Woods At Night ( Missi X Female Peril Reader)

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( Y/N Pov)

I had feeling in my mind that I probably lost because I kept taking the same path and still nothing I kept walking and walking but it was also kind of chilli out especially at night. I had my F/C scarf from keeping me having a chill. I knew that I was lost no where to go dark out I was literally cold and I feel like crying because who cold help me no one can. I sat near a tombstone shaking and crossing my arms also I was kind of scared I have no idea what happens at night because mostly people stay indoors but why is that?

( No One's Pov)

As Y/N was sitting on a tombstone shivering from the cold air at night also sobbing that she had no where to go and she was lost which that didn't help her. A creature of the night hidding near a tree stalking her with hairy all over, huge claws, glowing eyes and large teeth and furry ears was watching her then made a nasty grin with his huge white sharp teeth as he tries to scare her and approaches her. Another creature of the night was a female vampire with red eyes looking directly at the werewolf going to Y/N as she sneekly watched them both of them.

Werewolf: Why hello there young flesh pretty girl are you lost?

Y/N: Who said that? ( Y/N turns around and sees a werewolf talking to her)

Werewolf: I did~ My dear child are see that you wondering in the dark woods at night you know things happen at night.

Y/N: I'm lost and I wanna go home. ( Sniffles) But I can't find my way and I'm also scared, cold and don't know what to do?

Werewolf: If you like I can help you find your way home all you have to do is do something for me.

Y/N: You would help?

Werewolf: ( Chuckles) Yes I'll help you out and let you be home free it's very dangerous to be at the dark woods alone at night especially for a pretty young girl like you~

Y/N: Oh Thank You, Thank You, Thank You Mr. Werewolf sir I'm happy that I'm finally going home how could I ever thank you for this offer?

Werewolf: ( Chuckles) This for me my dear child~

No One's Pov

The werewolf grabs Y/N arm and takes her an shed near the abandoned cementary and closes the door and moves all the stuff from the shed and puts Y/N down as the werewolf make a nasty grin and puts his claws on Y/N F/C jeans and his claw touching her hip and going up to her breasts. The werewolf lifts up Y/N top showing her breasts and then his under claw taking her jeans off as Y/N realise that this werewolf was going to rape her or have sex or worst kill her naked. Y/N was simply scared as she scream the top of her lungs as the werewolf sharp teeth pop out completely. Then the shed started to shake Y/N and the werewolf didn't do anything then Y/N kick the werewolf in the face as she runs out of the shed and putting her clothes back on but the werewolf comes out of nowhere. Y/N runs and scream as the werewolf chases her and use his claws slashing her arm in a bloody slice cut falling on a grave backing up as Y/N had more tears in her eyes and she puts her hands covering her face ducking down on her knees shaking in fear that this is the end for her until she heard a voice and looked at the moon . A shadow figure dashed from the sky onto the werewolf fighting him as he tried to bite of kill the purple shadow that had red beaming eyes. As for Y/N she was hiding near a tombstone looking at her bloody arm and how deep the claw marks were. The werewolf dashed and couldn't catch the shadow but the shadow expand bigger covering the night sky. The Purple shadow hands grew and very point and holding a staff that belongs to a vampire and the purple shadow chocked the werewolf and use the staff to rib out his spine making him howl in pain as Y/N looks a little. The purple shadow tossed the spine and then grab the rib cage, then the heart. The werewolf's blood splattered all over the tombstones making it a blood bath in the cementary. The purple shadow fly over the tombstones and seen Y/N covering her face and shivering. The purple shadow carried Y/N to a castle near the cementary.

Missi's Pov

She seemed like a sweet girl to me so I took her to my castle so she could stay and feel like she's at home. The poor darling must have been through a lot I feel ashamed that she had to see that gory death of the werewolf but it's better then her getting rape. I layed her down on the couch and put a blanket over her and some pillows then made her some hot chocolate to keep warm. Minose my familiar seen Y/N he was sitting on her rear end but it was kind of cute and he fell asleep on her purring a little bit. I seen that Y/N she was finally waking up as I was healing her arm by using some magic or spells I found the heal wounds. She shutter at me as she stood and walked away she seemed scared of me but why is that? Is it the way I look? Is she scared of vampires ? What is it then? I went to talk to her.

Missi: Hello my name is Missi I'm not sure if you don't know but I was the purple shadow that saved your life from that werewolf who tried to rape you.

Y/N: ( Shutters) Y....Y..Your...a.. VAMPIRE!!!!!!!!

Missi: Yes I'am a vampire but I'm not going to suck your blood or anything harmful to you I just wanted you to be safe.

Y/N: Why did you save my life then?

( Missi leans closer to Y/N puts her hands on Y/N's cheeks as she blushes and shutters more)

Missi: I want make you mine~

Y/N: Wait what?

Missi: I want you to come here and live with me it's very lonely here and I kept waiting all these years to find someone who's nice has a heart and sweet and innocent to me. That my darling is you.

Y/N: It's a very very delightful offer but I wanna go home actually to think of it I don't think I can get home now.

Missi: Your welcome to live with me darling.

Y/N: I can stay with you?

Missi: Of cousre darling.

( Y/N runs to Missi had tears in her hugging her tight)

Y/N: Thank You Missi.

Missi: ( Hugs Back) Your Welcome Darling~ ( Gives Y/N a kiss)

The End

Hello Hello My Darlings it's me Blurry Face here with my 6th story done. So I going try to make more story so give me some time and I'll try my best to work on them well this was finished what do you darlings think of it? Hope You Guys enjoy❤

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