8. Shackles

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                A million thoughts ran through her head, but it was one that struck Rory so hard that she couldn't reply to Eddie.

He walks around to open the car door for her, a gesture she's never experienced with the immature boys she's gone out with before. Awkwardness bubbles up as she sits in the car with only the chauffer, waiting for him to walk around the car. Gently, he opens the door and reaches his hand in for her to take. It seems like a sweet gesture, but later she discovers it is one to suggest she is incapable of doing anything without a man helping her.

"How do you know where I live?" Rory asks him.

He smiles, sickly sweet. "I have connections, Aurora."

"Oh," she says meekly, holding her purse against her body and wanting to reach for her keys but wondering what is considered rude. He walks her to the door, hand on her lower back, pushing her along, keeping her within reach at all times.

"Good night, Aurora, I would like to see more of you soon," he suggests.

It's their third date, and she thinks she would like to see more of him to. He's been sweet, taking her out to places she never would have dared step foot in unless it was to apply for a dishwasher position. High end restaurants and art galleries, it's a wonderful gesture to take her to these places, but she wouldn't mind that little Indian place just down the street, or the sushi restaurant that is a hole in the wall.

He leans down, hand pressing firmly against her lower back, and surprises her with a kiss. She shouldn't be startled by it, and yet she finds herself shocked, but kisses back for it is polite to do so. The kiss lasts longer than she expects, and she finally steps back and he releases her from his grasp. He smiles sweetly at her.

"Until next time, then," he says gently, walking back towards his fancy car where the chauffer waits for him.

She waits until he is gone before she pulls out her keys and enters her humble apartment – she wonders as she walks up the flights of stairs, if she wanted that kiss.

"What?" Rory blurted, snapping herself out of her reverie.

"That was a dumb question," he said in a strained whisper, head turning slightly as though looking at someone else who might show up to save him from this awkward moment.

"No," Rory corrected herself. "No one's ever asked me before."

"So that's a no?" He narrowed his eyes, confused by her conflicting information. Was she saying no to the question, or was she saying no to it being a dumb question.

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