24. Ironic

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Rory stepped back and instantly crouched down to avoid being seen; their target was Eddie, and if she got herself caught up in this mess then there would be no one to help him. That's what she told herself, when in reality it was because she was terrified. The men barged in, a cluster of them but it was Treece who stepped in last. Everyone had their weapons drawn, little red dots on Eddie's chest. He thrust his hands in the air.

Rory turned her attention back to Treece; she wondered if the man would still recognize her. He was capable of finding anyone, any piece of information; she wondered how she managed to hide from him. Now, he was standing five feet away from her and she was terrified. She dared not move in fear that he would recognize her. But there were guns pointed at Eddie, and she had to do something.

She realized, if she revealed herself, then maybe they would be startled, maybe they would realize they hit a jackpot, and it would give Eddie enough to time to split. But she also knew Eddie wouldn't leave her, it wouldn't happen.

Before she could do anything, her head spinning slightly, something came out of Eddie. Something black and alien forced itself from his chest and struck one of the men. Rory screamed; she couldn't help it, she thought he had been stabbed, but whatever it was, was coming out of him and stopping these men.

They were thrown around like rag dolls during a child's temper tantrum, and Rory was forced to stand up and scuttle out of the way. She staggered out of the living room. Her eyes made contact with Treece, as he crawled up from the floor. His eyes narrowed in recognition, and then a faint glee flickered in his eyes; he would be rewarded well if he brought Eddie and Aurora back.

He raised his stun gun, and Rory hesitated for one second too long. As he pulled the trigger, Rory fell to the ground with a thump, something heavy on top of her. She opened her eyes, sweat dripping from her brow, hands slick. Eddie was covering her, black goo protruding from his back and blocking the stun gun, the hail of bullets.

"Get the hell outta here," he said, then he was forced to his feet. As he turned his attack back on the men, most of them rendered unconscious now, he finished off Treece. Reaching his hand down, he pulled Rory to her feet and guided her through the bodies on his floor.

All of a sudden, he said, "Why would we do that?"

"What?" Rory asked in a shaking voice.

Eddie glanced behind at Rory and didn't reply, then he stepped out of the apartment into the hallway. Suddenly, he shoved her back into the apartment, giving her a sympathetic look for just long enough to convey that they couldn't leave together, and that he was sorry. He slammed the door on her to keep her safe in there, for there were more men in the stairwell waiting for him. The parasite inside him took over.

Rory slammed to the ground as she tripped over a body on the floor. A body that began to stir.

"Shit, shit..." Rory scrambled to her feet and decided her best shot was to hide. It was cowardly, but it was what she had been doing her for the last two years. Sometimes being brave got people hurt. She hid in the bedroom as people got to their feet in the living room. She listened against the door.

"Drake, you're not going to believe this," Treece said.

Hearing his name made Rory want to vomit.

"I'll send you the live feed, and pay close attention to the background. I think you're going to be very pleased." He said a few other things, confirmed a few things, and then he said, "Stay here, Vance, I think there is a little bird that Drake is going to want returned to him. Check the floor, she might have left, but she might still be here."

Rory nearly did throw up this time.

How was she supposed to get out of this?

Back at the Life Foundation, a man grinned. The camera feed from Eddie Brock's apartment was sent to him, not only did the former journalist have perfect symbiosis with the symbiote, but he was using it in a way that Drake never imagined possible. Not one subject showed this kind of control, this kind of connection with the symbiote. They all, instead, perished, one by one. Now, by rare chance and coincidence, Brock broke in and was given the most power a man had ever been given in history.

It was more than Drake could ask for; he just needed it back in his possession.

He paused the frame. "Enlarge and enhance."

It was zoomed in on her face, the pixels flickered, and the image became clearer. She looked different, healthier in some ways, and yet a similar look of fear that Drake was not ignorant to. He chuckled lightly, pleased with this new development. His hands connected in front of him, a smile appeared on his lips.

"So that's where you've been hiding," he whispered to himself. The irony was not lost on him that his Aurora ended up with Eddie Brock of all people; she certainly lowered her standards when she weaseled out of his grip. He moved on, ages ago, but seeing her in Eddie's apartment made a childish jealously bubble up; he would have them both, and he would use her as leverage. She would be easier to attain than Eddie with the symbiote, and all they would have to do is dangle her as bait before him.

"Treece, bring her to me."


This chapter is rough, I'm sorry, I stayed up way too late last night because my boyfriend came home from Vegas and we had to watch all the shows we missed while he was gone. I'm bloody exhausted. 

Once the story is written, I will go in and edit. Just know this story is as first draft as it comes, it's not well written despite what you guys always say, and it definitely needs work! But that'll come later. 

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