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The second I stepped off the plane I could tell that my lifestyle living here is going to be a lot different than what I'm used to. My mom was originally from here, that's one of the reasons we're moving, her and plus dad got a job at the local hospital as a doctor. Don't ask me, we had to move all the way from America to Scotland for one job in a hospital? Like serious dad, there's plenty hospitals around.

Right now I'm with my adopted little sister, Melody [10] , in the Glasgow AirPort Starbucks. She insists on Instagram-ing her first Starbucks cup in a different state. Well, we really have to say country now. We've never been out of America so never had the use of the word 'country'... Guess things have to change at some point, don't they?

"Come on Lucie, what's the time? Didn't dad say to meet him at the front door at 3pm?" Said Melody looking at the clock on my iPhone.

"Yeah we better head off now. Come on"

The two of us stood outside the doors waiting for dad to come back from Tesco, 5 minutes late, he did.

"Right girls, time to get a cab to our new home!" He smiled. He knew I didn't want to move and he's been trying to welcome me here as much as he can but it just doesn't feel right. Melody's been buzzing ever since dad told us we were moving, she just enjoys new things, like most kids her age do, I guess.

We spent about 10 minutes standing outside waiting for a taxi to come but none did.

"Blooming heck, I thought cabs were meant to be here all the time?" Said dad, getting frustrated.

"Excuse me sir, but, you're at the wrong taxi lane..todays Thursday, and the taxis are on the opposite side of the airport. Did you not see the sign?" Informed a tall man in a uniform.

"Oh..Right." Dad looked embarrassed, and we walked back inside the airport and out the other door. Loads of cabs sat waiting and dad let out a sigh of relief.

It took us an hour to get to where our new town was, Gourock/Greenock. The taxi driver took us right up outside our new house in Macmillan Drive.

"Ah girls, that's the one!" Dad smirked and pointed at a house with a big white door and stone built walls. I grabbed the keys out of dads hands and raced Melody to the door, unlocking it, I opened the door and went inside not waiting for my dads permission on what we were to do now.

The house was surprisingly nice inside. A swirling staircase to the left of the entrance, and an open door living room to the right with a big flat screen tv and a corner sofa filled with cushions of all colours. The walls were painted a peachy colour and the floor was wooden. Next I explored the kitchen - checkered black and white flooring, a black shiny fridge with cute little magnets and everything you need for a perfect kitchen, red walls, dining table and a big window showing the garden which was full of pretty flowers and bushes.

"Lucie! Dad says he got a special designer in and they even did our rooms! You gotta come see upstairs!" Shouted Melody from what I imagined was her new bedroom. Oh God, I hope we don't have to share.

I went upstairs to find a hallway. There was 5 doors, and I guess Melody's decided to let me find my room on my own, oh well, can't be too hard!

The first door I opened wasn't my room, or Melody's room, or even dad's room. It was a games room! An Xbox, PS4, and a Wii was set up beside a massive tv attached to the neon green wall, a big bean bag and loads of cushions also indicated to me that it was like a miniature cinema! A guitar was placed on the side of the wall and to the left of the room was a soccer table.

Leaving that room in awe, I decide to continue the search for my bedroom.

The next room, was a bathroom.

The next room, was what I assumed to be dads room, a double bed with plain sheets and a boring beige coloured wall.

Next it was Melody's room, a bunk bed with a sofa underneath, she had pink walls with flower stickers, cute wee teddies (not like she didn't have a whole rucksack of them already *sighs*) and also a big sliding open wardrobe which was connected to the wall.

'My room, my room, my room' was chanting away in my head and opening the door of it, my mouth dropped.

All white walls, except from one turquoise one, a big double bed with white sheets, blue cushions and blankets, a black wardrobe with a mirror attached as the front, a cute black chandelier on my light, tv that can swing out so I can watch it in bed close up, and a heart-shaped photo collage right above my bed containing photos of random Tumblr and Pinterest photos. On my bed was a little elephant cuddly teddy and beside it was a photograph of my mom on her wedding day. Her flaws were perfect. I couldn't find one single mistake about her. A tear came to my eye looking at her. I miss her so much it hurts.

"Lucie! Melody! Enjoying? We have guests here, come down and say Hello" Dad shouted up the staircase from downstairs. I wiped my face and walked out my new room, meeting Melody on the way she said "Isn't this house amazing? Dad must have spent a fortune on a designer this good!"

"Yeah I know have you seen that games room? If we make friends here we're gonna have the most popular sleepover destination!" I giggled, enjoying the bonding moment that rarely happens with my wee sister.

We went into the living room and saw dad talking to a lady and a man. Melody blushed seeing that there was also a boy around her age, with big blue eyes and blonde hair. Two younger boys, who looked like twins but obviously weren't because of their height differences were bouncing on their mother trying to get her attention. And last but not least a girl, who looked the same age as me, 13, or 14 maybe, was sat quietly at the edge of the sofa trying to make a good impression of herself.

"Hey there! My names Kathleen, you can call me Kate. This is my husband Andy" Andy smiled and said "Hello", "This is Max, Gabe, Harry, and Caitlin. We live right next door."

"I'm Lucie and this is my sister Melody" I smiled.

Kate, Andy and dad continued to talk and I sat down next to Caitlin and smiled, she did the same back.

"Hey" I said,

"Hi" She said shyly,

"How old are you?"


"Cool I just turned 14!"

After a few more words we could both tell that we were going to be great friends. Caitlin wasn't shy anymore and we were having a good laugh before her mom said they should go because the boys wanted to go swimming and only 45 minutes was left before the pool closed.

"Awh okay. Boys, enjoy your swim!" I smiled at them and Harry came and gave me a quick hug. OMG -cuteness alert!

"Cya Caitlin, feel free to come over whenever you want" I smiled and she suggested that tomorrow she could take me to town and show me around. Good idea! We all said bye to Kate and Andy then they left.

"They seem so nice" Exclaimed Melody,

"Yeah me and Caitlin really clicked" I smiled to dad,

"You see girls, it won't be so bad here. Now how's about we order some Chocolate Pizza!"

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