Breaking Out.

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Warnings:  mentions of abuse and there's a slightly inappropriate scene twords the end.

It was 2 a.m. and Will was watching the clock like his life depended on it. The manor was silent and Will couldn't wait to get out of it. He was starting to get anxious. But that was a pretty normal feeling at this point.

As soon as the clock hit 2:30 Will carefully opened up the window and jumped out of it. He landed on his feet with a thump and started to run towards the forest. It didn't take long for him to reach the clearing. Will took a deep breath before he started to feel warm and dizzy at the same time. He hated it, but it was the only way. He could feel his feet leave the ground for a split second before they where planted firmly back on the ground. He hoped he wasn't too late. It had been so long since he had been here.

He looked around. The sky went from an inky black to a beautiful blue. The sun warmed his face. Will wished he could stay here forever. Sadly he couldn't. He only had a mere few hours. So he was going to soak up every minute of it. So he had to get to searching. It took him a little longer to find where he needed to go. He was over joyed when he did find it. A soft smile spread across his pale face.

He peaked out from a near by tree and saw a brunette slowly flipping through a worn out book. Will knew he had read it a million times, he also knew it was his favorite. He stepped out from behind the tree and cleared his throat, catching the mans attention.

His head  immediately snapped up and tossed the book to the side and ran over to Will, pulling him into a tight hug. 

It hurt a little because Will was still sore, but he didn't care. Dipper was warm and smelled like old books and vanilla. He missed him so much. So he buried his face in the brunette's chest and held back tears.

"Your here! Are you okay? I was so worried..." He said quickly.

After a little bit Will pulled away just enough to look into Dipper's green eyes.
"I'm sorry. I just couldn't find the time to come see you. I know you where worried. But I'm okay. A little worst then last time but I'm okay now."

"You should really let me get you out of there. I know you have a deal but your going to end up dead one day.." Dipper told him. He sounded sad at the thought of Will actually dying one day. Which he was. And Will knew that.

Will had thought about this, not just thought. He fantasized about it. He thought about leaving the manor and breaking his servitude to them. Going to live with Dipper and having a nice life. He fantasized about waking up the brunette in the morning, forehead kisses and late nights on the couch, laying in Dipper's lap.

It all seemed so nice, something he could only dream about. Something that he wanted more than anything in the known universe.

He dispised the Gleeful twins and they're awful uncle. This time they had pushed him to far. Every part of his body still ached from his last punishment. He had lost an eye because of it.

"I want you to. I don't want to go back there." 

"Then why won't you let me help you?" Dipper asked.

"I want you to, I really do. But.."

"But what?" Dipper asked.

Will was silent. He couldn't think of a reason to stay besides a deal. But he was an all powerful demon, controlled by emotions.

"I don't know..." Will admitted silently.

Dipper frowned slightly. He thought this was the worst thing. He hated letting Will go back there. But he couldn't control him.

Will Cipher x Dipper Pines one shots. Where stories live. Discover now