what have you learned?

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Tw: yelling and mentions of abuse.

Will starred blanky at his brother as he tapped his foot impatiently.

"Well? What did we learn from last time?" Bill asked.

"Not to trust just any brunette who says he loves me. But this one's different!" Will protested.

"No he's not! All humans are the same! They take what they want and then leave you to rot!" Bill exclaimed.

"Dipper doesn't want anything!" Will yelled back.

Will had tried to keep his relationship a secret. But that turned out to be a very hard task, considering Bill could read minds and Will was always disappearing for hours at a time to go visit Dipper. Will knew his brother would be against the whole thing. And he was right.

Bill slammed his hands down on the table.
"You don't know that! For all you know he's using you for some big experiment but then when he doesn't like the outcome, he tosses you aside and leaves you in the dust!"

Then Will realized. This wasn't about Will and Dipper. This was about Bill and his past affairs. Bill had ruined every good thing that came his way because he could never just settle like Will had learned to do. Bill always wanted more then what was given.

"It's not like that. He actually cares about me this time." The blue haired demon said.

"You said that about him" Bill reminded.

"Don't talk about him! I was stupid and made a stupid deal! I was tricked..." Will didn't finish his sentence, feeling a lump in his throat.

Thinking about Mason made Will very upset. He was used by a man who couldn't love. He thought he could change that. He believed everything that came from his mouth. Every "'I love you.' every promise that never got fulfilled. Now Will regretted everything and he just wanted to forget it. But now he had Dipper. And Dipper was the complete opposite.

"Well if you weren't so trusting and naive maybe that wouldn't happen. Face it, your going to get hurt one way or another. That's your whole existence."

"No it's not! Don't say that!" Will yelled.

"One day, he's going to die. And your going to be alone again." Bill said bitterly.

Will knew this. He hated the thought. But he knew it was human nature. But that was a long time from now. Dipper was only 20. Not even old enough to drink yet. So he had plenty of time to spend with Dipper.

"Don't you think I know that?! I don't care! I don't care what you have to say! I'm happy, and you're not going to take that away from me! Like you always do! It's not my fault that your horrible and messed up your life! I'm not saying here with you anymore!" Will yelled.

He rarely ever yelled. He was sick of Bill ruining his life. Well he was done. At first he thought Bill was looking out for him, you know like brothers should.  But then he would go and do the thing he told Will not to do!

For example: "Will, never try to take over your dimension. You'll probably die."

And what does he do? Tries to take over the universe. And now he was trapped in the mindscape. And Will had been keeping him company since he was liberated.

"Oh really? And where are you going to go? You have no where!" Bill glared daggers at his brother.

"Yes I do. Want to know why? Because I don't ruin things for myself. Like you do!" Tears where sliding down Will's pale cheeks at this point. His fists were clenched and he had stood up from his chair.

He was shorter then Bill, And not as powerful, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't get physical with his brother. He was angry enough right now to just tackle him to the ground.

"FINE! GO! I DON'T NEED YOU ANYWAYS!" Bill yelled, it echoed around the dining room.

With a snap of his fingers Will was gone, tears still blurring what little vison he had 

A few seconds later he appeared in Dipper's bedroom. To the brunettes surprise. He was at his desk drawing something. He was still in his pajamas, even though it was two in the afternoon.

"Oh hey, I didn't- are you okay?" Dipper asked getting up from his desk.

Will opened his mouth to say something but all that came out was a choked sob. With in seconds he was sobbing into Dipper's chest, while he rubbed small circles into his back.

"Shh, shh, it's okay. Breathe." Dipper told him in a calm voice that was soaked in concern.

One thing he loved about Dipper, he always knew just what to do in any situation. Wheither it be escaping from some monster he was hunting or just calming Will down.

Will took a few shaky breaths, trying to blink away the tears.

"What happened?" Dipper asked.

"B-Bill.." Will mumbled.

That's all Dipper needed to hear. It would be an understatement to say that Dipper hated Bill. He got this look of pure anger when Bill was brought up. So Will never did. He didn't mind that Dipper didn't like Bill, who could blame him?

"I'm sorry that you have to deal with him." Dipper said.

"I don't have to. I chose to. I'm not going to put up with him anymore." Will told him.

"What do you mean?" The brunette asked.

"I've learned. I'm not going to put up with him anymore. We may be related, but he is not my brother." Will declared.

"He must have really done something awful for you to say that." Dipper said.

"He's ruined my life to many times." Will told him.

"Yeah. He does that." Dipper replied.

"What happens now? I don't know what to do anymore. No one's telling me what to do. It's strange.." Will mumbled.

Will always had someone telling him what to do. Wheither it be his previous masters, or Bill. There was always someone.

Dipper smiled.
"You live! No one needs to tell you what to do. That's for you to decide."

Will smiled back. He liked this.
"That sounds nice."

"It is. And I know you've been staying with him..and since you probably don't want to see him, so you can stay here. If you want." Dipper told him.

"Do you know your my favorite human Dipper Pines?" Will said, as if it wasn't already obvious.

"Your my favorite demon, William." Dipper told him.

The rest of the night was spent with Will in Dipper's lap, watching him finish up a few sketches in his journal. It was calm and quiet. He only sounds filling Will's ears were Dipper's heart beat and the sound of pencil on paper.   And for once Will wasn't dreading his departure. Because he wasn't leaving this time.

'I could get used to this...' Will thought as he closed his eyes and started to doze off.


Hello! I know this was short but I just wanted to get it published so I could clean out my folders and stuff. So hope you enjoyed!


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