Part 3: Something Amuck

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It wasn't every day that you had a human fall into Snowdin. Hell, it wasn't every couple of weeks that you'd see what the monsters down here called "skin faces". But you could always bet that every time one did show up that there was always word spreading around town. Sans recalled when his brother Papyrus bursted through the door; Sans wasn't even half a bottle of mustard in when he had already began one of his ramblings. Only this time it wasn't a false alarm.

Sans always felt his stomach turn into a nervous churn at the mention of a human coming to their city. Ever since the last time one of them chose to stick around...Sans shook himself of those thoughts. There was no use in thinking about that now. It was over with. Done. Sans was almost home when a pair of footsteps crunched through the snow behind him. Although he was too tired to fight Sans always remained cautious. He was a big criminal, a mobster sure- but not entirely untouchable. The footsteps grew quicker. Closer. His hard digits found purchase within his palms before they shoved themselves deep into his pockets. He could feel the anxiety balling up in his chest, his SOUL thumped a little harder with each beat it took, warning his ribcage that something was up. After a couple more of those painfully lingering moments Sans finally decided to whisk around quickly, his sockets immediately lighting up. His red orbs searching frantically around the area until he found the source of the noise.

To his surprise it was none other than Undyne, all clad out in her pinched tight suit. Her red hair was in her usual ponytail, high and tight. A wide, toothy and sharp grin spread from one of their scaley ears and to the other. But what was louder than her appearance was her voice.

"Hey you ole' bonehead! Guess I still can't get the jump on you huh?" she joked, catching up to the now flustered skeleton. Sans adjusted his tie and gave a single curse.

"Fuckin' hell, Undyne. What're you doin' out this late?" It wasn't like he really gave a fuck, but he needed something to distract him from that gal down at Grillby's. Undyne clasped a cold hand onto his shoulder.

"Just out scoutin' the place. Heard word that there was a human here and wanted to see for myself."

Damn it. Of course. Of course she along with everyone else wanted to flood the poor thing like she was some spectacle. Sans couldn't blame her though. He just wanted to get away from it. He didn't know what to think about the weird, tight feeling he got in his chest when he laid eyes on her. He liked what he was looking at for sure, but the thing that his SOUL did...

Undyne's voice broke him from his off-track thoughts once again. He was just a train wreck, wasn't he?

"Yeah, saw a glimpse of em' myself. Not sure how they got ere' but-"

"You didn't hear?" she interrupted, looking over to his face as they walked together.

"Hear what?"

"That she was invited here. By Asgore. Cordially."

Asgore brought her down here? That was impossible. He loathed the human race.

"Fuck would he do that for?" Sans gruffed, fishing for a smoke from his blazer's pockets.

"Some officers sent him a letter from the Surface. Said they had a model citizen in some trouble, that she had nowhere to go. Asgore told them to bring her here, all expenses paid."

It made no sense for Asgore to really accommodate someone from the surface coming down to his territory, let alone invite them here. She must have struck a chord with him somehow. Still yet, Sans couldn't really picture him having much to do with them. He'd have to talk to his eldest brother Wingdings about this later, although he probably wouldn't have much of a conclusion either considering that he and Asgore were on loose terms now.

The rest of the walk home was pretty silent, with Undyne running off to go patrol the outskirts of the city. Sans was eager to get home- one measly drink at Grillby's wasn't gonna cut it for him tonight. He could practically hear his brother telling him to cut it back some, "YOU KEEP DRINKING LIKE THAT BROTHER THEN YOU WONT HAVE ANY MAGIC TO HOLD YOURSELF UP!" he'd whine in that annoyingly shrill voice.

Sans already loathed the next day's duties. Though he spent a lot of his time in Snowdin, his work was mainly up on the surface with his brother. Wingdings just couldn't get enough of studying those humans and their culture. He found a lot of it to be weird, and the humans found so likewise. But what could they do? He was terrifying looking enough that it was hard for anyone to tell him no. That along with his occupation and his reputation? No one looked twice at Wings much. Sometimes he could come across as a little too intense, and Sans could try to tell him that. But he wouldn't have it.

Finally reaching his home Sans sighed, the weight of the world sliding off of his shoulders as he trudged through the snow and to the front door. He ought to shovel all of this out of the way sometime even though he knew those blasted dogs were gonna dig in it again, and pile right in front of their yard. They couldn't throw it to the side, no. What a coincidence. Pushing the door open Sans walked in, tossing his hat to the couch and soon following in behind its path. He was so beat, so tired. The moment his body plopped heavily onto the couch he could feel his eyes closing. They were heavy as bricks. All of him felt like bricks. His mind still wandering to the fridge, he desperately wanted to just get up and sulk at the kitchen table with a bottle; but it had done been too late, for sleep took him over as soon as he had the energy to turn the television on.


The hotel room you were put up in wasn't too awful shabby. Despite the fact that the building looked like it had been dunked in some big pink bucket (the thought made you giggle, a bucket that huge?), it had some pretty nice accommodations to it. The carpet was a dark magenta and the walls a light rosey color. Everything was pink, right down to the complimentary shampoos and towels. Pink and glittery. But it was the only one in town, and you'd rather have picked loud and sparkly rather than shabby. Rather than being in the same town as your ex, for more reason. You sat on the bed which you seemed to sink in all too easily- the bed itself was enormous. Had room for at least five people if need be!

You sank down into the plushy duvet, flipping through the Order Book, trying to decide what was good for dinner when the phone next to you on the nightstand (also hot pink, plastered with a big shiny 'M') rang loudly. The sudden noise made you jerk; who would be calling at this late an hour? Cautiously you picked up the phone, slowly bringing the receiver to your ear as you done so.

"Darling!!" the voice boomed, making you hold the phone a good couple of inches away to somewhat deafen the voice. The staff here said that the owner was pretty friendly, a radio host and a complete fashion designer. "He's real good with the clothes!" they all claimed before rushing back to whatever chores they had for the day. The voice shrilled once again.

"How is the room? Splendid?" but he cut you off before you could answer, stammering.

"I made sure that they gave you the BEST room available! OH, I'm sure you're absolutely starving, precious."

Almost as if on cue your stomach gave a small, whiny growl. You could definitely go for some grub. Those fries at the bar hadn't held you over too well. Though you could have focused on something better, if not for...

"I-I am a little hungry." You admitted meekly in defeat.

"WONDERFUL! Well, I have good news for you, sweetheart! The Don Asgore himself and his lovely lady have prepared a dinner for some guests, with you being the star of course. They want to properly welcome you to our little town!"

A dinner? For you? Why would they do that? You clutched the phone nervously. You had packed a couple of your usual dresses along with you, some blouses and some trousers- but you doubted you had anything nice to wear.
"Th-that's awful nice of them but, I don't think I have anything appropriate to w-"

"Nonesense darling! I'll give you a full makeover, something shiny and just stunning!"

An excited giggle came from the other end of the line.
"How do you feel about the color pink?" he practically shouted.

You looked around the room and gulped.

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