Q: Hey Sollux. That /s your name r/ght? / don't know anyone here and /'m new. Can your help me by /ntroduc/ng me to some trolls and show me around? By the way my name /s gr/m and /'m a mut. That's means mutant.
A: *Puts-2 hand on forehead to try to help headach* IIIt's S-2oullo not S-2ollux. IIIf you can't remember that thiiink of *grumbles-2* Han S-2olo from that crappie s-2tar wars-2 movie. S-2ure III'll help you out. IIIf iiit was-2n't for my friiiend beiiing on here before of me III would of been iiin a s-2iiimiiilar s-2iiituatiiion. Even wiiith that iiit was s-2tiiill hard and awkward. S-2o check out thes-2e perfect douche bags-2
They are my real liiife friiiends-2. As for people III don't know iiin real liiife try
Theiiir all fuckiiing awesome. Jus-2t don't tell Eriiidan Ampora, the fuckiiing hiiipster III saiiid that. III'll never liiive iiit down.