A Little Confused

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Q: Um... Where's my descendant. .. or  Dancestor? what ever. Where's he or she and what she or he like?

A: Well iiif ¥ou mean Neeyon then III don't know where s-2he iiis-2. S-2he's-2 probabl¥ runniiing around wiiith miiiss s-2un s-2hiiine. As-2 for pers-2onaliiit¥ S-2he won't talk to me unles-2 III RP wiiith her. Who the hell has-2 tiiime for that? S-2he is-2 prett¥ good at makiiing basiiic robots-2 from what III hear. Other than that III can't s-2ay III know her to well.

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