Waving goodbye

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POV of Patsy:

Well I must say that was quite upsetting, Saying goodbye to Deels I hope she'll be okay. I feel quite bad that i wasn't able to kiss her in front of everyone but of course the law is the law, I should be able to kiss my Delia whenever i desire but no its a felony! 

"Uhm Sir how long is it until we get to the train station?" i reply while a black tear runs from my mascara. "About 25 minutes ma'am, Are you okay miss?" He replies in a gentle and easy voice." Of course i am don't be doltish" it must of came out harshly because he rolled his eyes and muttered something under his breath.


I don't know whether to cry or die. I've just lost Deels for some time and very soon i will loose  my father Just like mother and sister, Times like this i wonder what Sister Evangelina would say to me if she knew about me and Delia probably something along the lines of Miss Mount stop moping around and go and see our father and then complain that me and Delia aren't right, most likely. I giggle to myself. I just need to stop thinking all together it will do me good.

Quite shortly I was at Poplar train station waiting for the next train to the airport, This is really a lot of time to reflect on everything that happened at Nonnatus today, all the silly quarrels I've had just because of me and Trixies behavior... I made a bloody Nun feel bad! The thing is i would of never done that to Sister julienne but Sister Ursula is just so demanding it's furious! it is not the Nonnatus way, it is not the Midwife way! We like to help our patients in every way possible, above and beyond we go for those mother's and in return we get their trust and gratitude. There couldn't possibly be nothing better than that.

While on this train i recognize a woman, someone from that bar me and Deels went to where we could be ourselves, of course she was stunning but that didn't interest me, she looked upset and she was obviously in the family way, wait she had a partner I am sure of it. 

I went over to her and sat beside her. "Hello there" I smiled as i said it, "Hi, do i know you?" she exclaimed. "A giggle came out as i said "Oh no hah, i just saw you in that bar with your partner back in poplar." I went quiet when i said 'partner' its still frowned up on. She swiftly hushed me and said "Thats not a accusation you just want to throw about, being a ... Homo." I really didn't expect that reaction... "Oh sorry ma'am you just look so familiar, I didn't mean to imply that you had that illness" I said this to fit in i could of got prosecuted! She looked at me wearily "Okay it's perfectly satisfactory, just don't make that mistake again, it could get you in trouble," I smile softly "Your expecting i see, i am a trained nurse and midwife," i blurt out. I think to myself what the heck am i doing. Then the doors opened on the train, "Oh bugger! this is my stop, goodbye miss..." waiting for a reply "Miss Megan Ann," "Goodbye Megan" I say just as the doors close in my face giving a smile.

as i turn around i huff, wishing i was with Deels just tucked up next to her in bed, all night this time not just for a hour or two, i'm tired of sneaking out of her room ever night. I find it quite naughty in all honesty. 

I eventually whistle for a taxi to take me to the airport, taking one last look at London and i get in, "Airport please" As i rest my head against the window reminiscing about the happy times.

Patsy Mount and Delia BusbyWhere stories live. Discover now