Shutout to GautamSharmaBhardwaj for the cover.

I walked into the gates of Brookville High with my head held high. I wondered for a moment if I was normal, few people were as unphased about being the new girl as I was. But come on, this was my thirteenth high school; the novelty tends to wear off after the fifth.

I decided Sophie had been overreacting about the whole being late thing because a lot of students were still walking through the huge ominous gates. I wondered if Brook would be like my previous schools.
It didn't take long for my question to be answered.

"Are you from Tennessee 'cause you're the only ten I see," said a throaty voice next to my ear.

I rolled my eyes, some things never changed; even wacky guys with even wackier lines. I didn't really see why they bothered with overused pick-up lines; you wanna bang someone then just come out and say it. It would save everybody's time.

"If I said you have a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?" the wackojob walking next to me continued after I ignored him.

He was seriously asking for it. I had hoped he could take a hint but clearly I had overestimated his brain capacity. A part of me considered kneeing him in the balls but I didn't usually bring out the big guns in was unless absolutely necessary. Besides, he was just talking, it wasn't his fault if his IQ was less than his age.

"If I said I wanted to check out your ass would you turn around and walk away?" I returned drily.

He gave me a sour look and turned and walked away to go and nurse his wounded man-ego. Hopefully next time he'd think twice about recycling lines with me.

The administration building wasn't hard to find, what with all the signs littering the school.

I eyed the woman who sat behind the reception desk cautiously. Her face spoke of someone in her mid thirties and aging gracefully but you could never have guessed it by looking at her clothes. They gave off low-budget-fifties-movie vibes.

And what was with the carrot look? Her tan had crossed over the boarders of attractive straight into Doritos territory. Einstein glasses perched on a nose that was
too large for her face.

I cleared my throat to get her attention from the book she was buried in. Beady eyes shot up above the cartoonish glasses and widened as they saw me.

"Those are very inappropriate clothes," she began but I cut her off.

"I'm here to get my schedule. Believe me, if I wanted fashion advice you'd be the last person on my list."

That had probably been rude but something about judgemental people irked me. If you pushed me be rest assured I'd be shoving right back, with twice as much force.

"How dare-," she began and I knew it was going to be hours before she stopped talking so I turned around her laptop and searched for my name.

I quickly took a picture of my schedule with my phone and returned her laptop.

"Why, you disrespectful little twat!"

"Twat?" I laughed at her choice of words as I turned to walk away.

"You'll still need a map," she said and I could tell she had a triumphant smile on her face without even looking. As if I could care less.

"You're right," I decided and ripped one off the wall instead of going to collect one from her. I ignored her shocked gasps as I walked into the hallway filled with students. I was honestly in a shitty mood after all the drama with my mum then the cab driver.

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