Chapter One: I'm fine

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"Hello" a women said with a smile as she entered the room and sat on the chair opposite of where Miles was sitting. It was a strange feeling, staring into the eyes of a women whos sole purpose is to dig through your most personal thoughts and feelings only to let you know what you already do. The worst part was trying to find ways to avoid letting her in. It was only his first time here but he's been to other places like this before. After getting into trouble at his old school his parents made him talk to councilors and life coaches. None of it ever helped, these things were always just a waste of time. "My name is Dr. Stevens."

Miles just sat there and looked at her for a second. He then opened his mouth the speak but stopped himself.

"So Miles, how are you doing?"

"I'm fine."

"Im glad to hear that. Would you like to talk a little bit about why you're here today?"

He just stared at her again, this time more intensely. "I'm here for absolutely no reason."

"I see. You know, most people that come here say they're ok, great even, but most of them really aren't."

"Well I am."

"So there is absolutely nothing you'd like to talk about today?"

"Not really.."

"We have to talk about something, unless you'd like to just sit here for the next..27 minutes" she said looking at her watch.

"Silence is fine with me. Im not big on talking to you people anyway." Miles spat out.

"Us people?"

"Yes.. You people."

"What exactly do you mean by 'you people' Miles?"

"You therapists" he said like it was obvious.

"So you've seen other counselors before then?"

Miles looked around the room for a second. This is exactly what he hated. The persistence of trying to get him to talk.

"Yea I have. And these stupid sessions do absolutely nothing for anybody. Its all a hoax so you can try to trick me into thinking you can fix my life just by making me talk about my problems. I honestly dont have any problems though.. In fact, I'm the happiest I've been in a while. My dads the one who has a problem. You should be talking to him."

"And what exactly is your dads problem?" She asked him.

Miles sighed and looked down for a second before making eye contact with her again. "My dads problem is having a gay son."

"So Miles you're gay?"


"Have you just recently come out to your father?"

Miles had at this point given up on not talking and just started opening up. "I didn't exactly come out to him at all."

"Then how does your father know you're gay?"

"He walked in on me and my Boyfriend kissing a couple days ago."

"I see. How did he react to this?"

"How do you think he reacted? I mean I'm here aren't I? He's pissed."

"Do you think it just upset him that you never told him?"

"No. No not at all" miles said with kind of a nervous smile on his face. "My dad wants a straight son. And I tried to be that for him , I really really tried. But I couldn't be that. Im not mad at myself for not being able to do that.. I am who I am.."

"What do you mean you tried to be straight?"

"I mean I've dated plenty of girls. Really really hot girls who turned down most guys who asked them out. But I was never happy with any of them. I mean I wanted to be so bad, but I've finally accepted myself. My dad never will which is why I tried to keep it from him.. Been keeping it from a lot of people actually."

"So not many people know you're gay?"

"No not at all.. Only people who know are my best friend Winston and obviously my boyfriend Tristan.. Well I mean now my family knows but I wish they didn't."

"Do you plan on telling your friends anytime soon?"

"It's complicated..."

"How so?" She interjected.

"Well my ex Maya used to be best friends with Tristan. His friend Zoey is also my ex.. Plus news travels really quick around my school. Ridiculously quick.. Degrassi's kinda known for that."

"Are you and Maya still friends?"

"No." He said, then thought about it for a second. "Atleast not right now anyway."

"Ok, and Zoey. Do you think she'd care about you two dating?"

"Well Tris says her and this kid Zig are getting pretty friendly so probably not."

"I see.. Well, it sounds to me like you're just making excuses. Mayas neither of your friend and Zoey wouldn't care. As for Degrassi, it can be hard coming out in high school but nothing that's worth it comes easy. Don't you think being yourself is worth it?"

"Yea but.."

"Then what are you waiting for?" She said cutting him off.

He sat there for a second and she looked at her watch again.

"Our time is actually up for today. I see you aren't scheduled to be coming back anytime soon, was this just a one time thing?" She said while flipping through pages.

"Dont know.. Up to my dad I guess. If not, it was nice to meet you." Miles said while standing up.

"Nice to meet you as well dear. " she said while he exited the room and headed for the buildings exit.

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