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After months passed, Kelly had finally gotten herself situated at her campus. It was actually happening and she couldn't believe it. Her life was just about begin. Before Kelly left though, she made sure to have a serious talk with her mother that was way overdue. They discussed how Kelly was fully capable of making decisions on her own. Kelly didn't need her mother always on her back.

Shocking she understood. Kelly was so relieved. That was one less thing to care about.

Aaron helped Kelly carry her things to her new dorm room. Aaron and Kelly had been dating for six months now. He was a great guy, but somehow she felt like he wasn't exactly what she wanted. Kelly just couldn't figure out how to end things with him. He had already said the three big words (which Kelly did not return), so it was clear he was attached to her.

Aaron placed the last box of her bed, "That's it."

"Thank you Aaron," Kelly forced a smile. He shook his head, wrapping his arms around Kelly. She hugged him back, but she knew she had to end it now or else there was no other time. "But we need to talk."

Aaron pulled back and stared down at Kelly waiting for her to continue. He had a feeling he knew what was going to happen. "Go ahead," he said.

"Well, I'm going off to college and you're staying home. We're not gonna see each other all that often and it's just not fair for you or me if-"

"We stayed together." Aaron finished giving Kelly a sad smile. Aaron was a very understanding guy. He wasn't one to get angered easily and was always ready to listen.

Kelly sighed and nodded, "Yeah."

Aaron was sad, but he knew Kelly was right and it was simply for the best. So they exchanged some final goodbyes before Aaron made his journey back home. Kelly felt empowered. She had just stuck up for herself twice in a matter of two days. That was a huge milestone for her.

Kelly had met her roommate Jenna (who seemed very nice) and they decided to go check out the campus together. Jenna was the complete opposite of Kelly. Where Kelly was quite and shy, Jenna was loud and outgoing. But somehow they were making it work.

Jenna stopped walking, "Hey look." Kelly looked to where her new friend was pointing and saw a group of guys hanging out by the stairs. She couldn't deny that they were all very attractive, but Kelly had just gotten out of a relationship.

"They're cute," Kelly shrugged picking at her fingernails. Jenna smiled.

"I'm gonna go over there."

Kelly tilted her head to the side, laughing a bit at her desperate roommate, "Are you serious?"

Jenna scoffed, "Uh, yeah."

Before Kelly could say another word, Jenna started walking over there with her head held high. Kelly sighed and continued walking down the path. She wanted to see around campus, not check out a bunch of stranger guys. Kelly tugged on the sleeves of her favorite red sweater as she walked. There were a lot of people. But thankfully she was getting better with being around crowds.

Kelly jumped when her phone vibrated from inside her back pocket. She slid the device out, checking who texted her. Let's just say she was extremely shocked when she saw the name.

From: Luke


Kelly stared down at the small screen with the most surprised expression. It had been months, maybe even a year, since Luke had texted her. But she couldn't just ignore him.

From: Kelly


Her heart was hammering against her chest. Even after all this time Luke still had a certain affect on Kelly. There was no denying that. But she was starting to get over him and then he pulls this. Her phone buzzed again.

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