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    Posted originally 2018
edited 11/19

"Little!" The hat states firmly.

I felt my heart skip a beat. No no no no no no no no no no no no! Was all I could think as everything came crashing down, what will my family think? Will they disown me? Will my friends still like me?

"Shh Harry, calm down, everything is going to be okay" McGonagall said rubbing soothing circles on my back, I had been hyperventilating. "As you already know, every little has a caregiver otherwise known as a guardian, within the next 24 hours you're going to start regressing into your little age." Professor McGonagall paused "once you find your caregiver you will have an instant connection to them, it's sort of like mates but different." She finished.

I could only stare at her wide eyed. "Severus, please take him to Madam Pomfrey in the Hospital wing" Professor McGonagall said, "why do I have to do it?" Snape argued. She didn't answer only gave him a look that said 'no arguing' with that she walked away. "Come on!" Snape snapped out, moving to the door while he dramatically flips his black cloak. I stumbled out of the seat and hastily followed after him. As soon as I was walking beside him a light tingling feeling shot through me. Snape obviously felt it as well because we both stopped Midstep. We both stand there for a minute, not moving or saying a word, slowly I turned to face him "pr-professor?" I stuttered out not being able to meet his eyes, without answering or even giving me a glance he continued walking, leaving me to catch up with him again, we stayed quiet for the rest of the walk towards the hospital wing.

Snape went to open the door to the hospital wing but I tugged at the back of his black cloak. I took a deep breath then asked "you're my caregiver aren't you?" It took him a second to answer but his eyes eventually met mine and his gaze softened slightly "yes, I am." We Stood there staring at each other for what felt like forever, before I shyly stuttered out "I- I've liked you for a while now Professor... " while I fiddled with my fingers, Snape just looked at me then slightly nodded his head and walked into the hospital wing. Madam Pomfrey greets us as she hears us entering "Ahh good morning Severus, what can I do for you today" her voice came out sweet and smooth. "Mr. Potter here was just sorted by the hat as a little" Snape replied. He went to speak again but I cut him off "and I suppose Snape is my caregiver" Snape Sent me a glare once I say it. "Ah, he must be here as your caregiver to get the necessary items for you." Before I could question what "necessary items" meant, Madam Pomfrey hurried us off to another room with a caring smile to a different room.

  Originally 422 words
Now 590

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