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Mabel POV:

It's Dipper!! Why is he still alive? I thought that Bill would've destroyed him the first chance he gets. 

"Oh, Shooting Star!! You are so stupid!!" Bill yelled.

I just glare at him. I'm not stupid! If anyone is stupid, it's Dipper. He's the one who started this mess in the first place.

"This is why you're stupid!! You're quick to blame Pinetree for your problems when you started it in the first place."

I slowly feel my anger raise when he said that. How dare he blame me for this mess? Sure I handed him the rift in exchange for an eternal summer, but that doesn't mean that I started it. 

"Why did you bring us here, Demon?" Grunckle Ford Shouted. 

Bill just started to laugh and started to walk towards Dipper.

"Did you see that Pinetree? These humans are too arrogant for their own good. Unlike you, they do not need a second chance instead they should just perish beneath our feet.They are vermin and need to be eliminated for the greater good!" Bill whisper Shouted. 

Dipper POV:

Master is right!!! They do need to be eliminated for the greater good. These Meatsacks have roamed this world for far too long. They fight with each other for everything and destroy the bonds that they made without thinking twice. Their arrogance has grown to unbelievable levels and it shows.

I loathe them and I don't want to be reminded of my past as one of these things. This group in front of me is no exception since they pride themselves as being superior to all other meatsacks.This includes that girl glaring at Master and I. This girl has the brain size as an ant since she thinks that someone else started this when the proof is all around her. 

"Master, What do we do with them?" I asked.

Bill POV:

I look at Pinetree for a moment and grin. He's losing his humanity quicker than I imagined. He doesn't even recongize his own family and friends. I can't wait to push him into the right direction.

"Pinetree, I want them to have a permanent stay in the dungeon. They must never be allowed to roam around in this corrupted world ever again. They must be punished for their sins and be left here to rot away until they take their final breath!" I Said.

Pinetree nodded and snapped his fingers. Those meatsacks were instantly transported to separate cells in order to break down into nothingness like the trash they are. Now it's time to further Pinetree's training in order for him to be my loyal servent.

Get some rest meatsacks, you're going to need it!! 

Author POV:

How are you guys? 

Did you miss me?

Sorry for the delay!!! 

Bye!! 👋

Bill's Servant (Will Edit)Where stories live. Discover now