Chapter 6

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I wake up and it's the 7th of December, when Shawn wakes up he goes to have a shower, I get dressed and head downstairs and get a drink I head back upstairs and and look in the baby's room

"I can't wait to play with you little girl" I think I suddenly get a chocolate craving, I have eaten a lot of chocolate over the last 9 months, so I head downstairs I take a step down before I feel a weird popping feeling then I feel some liquid running, my water has just broken

"SHAWN" I shout not moving

He open the door with a towel around his waist

"Yeah what's up" he says calmly
"My water just broke" I say freaking out
"Omg your having our baby" he says
"Don't move" he continues, he rushes back inside and a minute later he comes back out dressed in shorts and a top

He helps me down the stairs slowly until we get to the couch

"Ok wait there I'll get the stuff" he says, I nod and he races back upstairs into the baby's room, he then comes back down carrying all this stuff

"Ok pillows, blankets, drinks, snacks, nappies and toys ok got everything" he says we walk outside into our car and he helps me in

"Ok that's it" he says

He dumps all the stuff in the back seat and then gets into the drivers seat

"KEYS" he suddenly shouts
"WHAT KEYS" I shout back
"THE CAR KEYS ILL BE BACK" he says racing inside and grabbing the car keys,

We start to drive to the hospital and I call them on the way to let them know what's grooming on, I then call mum and dad and Shawns parents and then Sidney and the boys

We get to the hospital and go straight to the maternity level and nurses rush to me straight away, they take me into a private room and I get up on the bed, they then take me to get ready and I change into the hospital clothes, while Shawn goes and gets the stuff from the car

He comes back in and I'm just starting to go into labour, Shawn gets up on the bed behind me and I sit between his legs holding his hands

"Ok ash can I get you to push for me now" the doctor says, I push as hard as I can and shout at the same time
"Come on ash you can do this" Shawn says

"And again" the doctor says
"AHHHHHHH" I scream as I push
"That's it keep going" the doctor continues

I squeeze Shawns hand as hard as I can, I look out of the window and some how some reporters have found out already but the nurses close the blinds and get security

"Come on baby come on" he says
"Arrhhrhhrh" I scream every time

After about an hour we are still going

"And I have the head now ash one last push" the doctor says

"Ahhhhhh" I scream and push one last time before I hear crying

"Here she is" the doctor says
"Omg our baby" I say and kiss Shawn

"Shawn would you like to cut the ambilical cord" the doctor asked
"Yeah" Shawn says

Shawn gets up and cuts the cord the nurse then takes the baby and gives her a quick wash, she then raps her in a towel and passes her to Shawn

"Hey there" he says smiling at her, they are so cute

Shawn comes over and sits back on the bed,

"Here" he says and passes her to me

"Hello cutie" I say

"Does she have a name" the doctor asks, I look at Shawn, we haven't talked about a name yet

"Jessica" I say and look at Shawn
"It's... it's perfect I love it" he says
"Jessica it is then" I say
"Jessica Jade" Shawn says
"Yes I love it" I say
"Jessica Jade Mendes" the doctor says

We both sit there for a moment holding her before my parents come in

"Mum dad this is Jessica Jade Mendes" I say
"She's beautiful" mum says
"Our little granddaughter" says dad

They hold her and then Sidney, Charlie and Liam come in

"Guys this is Jessica Jade Mendes" Shawn says
"She's perfect" Charlie says
"Wow" Liam says with a smile
"Aww she's so cute" Sidney says

Once they have all left me and Shawn are left alone with Jess for a moment
"Our little girl" he says
"We love you so much" I say

We fall asleep but a nurse comes and takes Jess to her bed

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