Chapter 14: Tell Them Everything

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Chapter 14: Tell Them Everything

"Wake up. The truck is ready for you." The guard says whitlist banging on the cell. My groggy eyes open, and I see him opening up my cell.

"Can I pee first?" I ask him crankily.

The guard gives me a sickly sweet smile. "Sure," He rests his hands on the bars. "If you want to do it in front of me."

I narrowed my eyes and scoffed, getting up from the bed. "You could have just said no."

"Yeah I know."

Two guards have me by both of my arms. They walk me down the hall and towards the lobby. This is the last place I am going to be in before I am sentenced to however many years in jail. I deserve it. I brought this upon myself. I see Blake, standing against one of the walls. His arms are crossed over his chest. I look down, not wanting his face to be the last thing I remember. He is too haunting.

"Jenna!" I hear Garrett's voice call out. My head flips around at the sound of his voice and see him trying to run toward me. I blink back my tears and shake my head at him. I look back over to Blake, who runs towards Garrett and stops him from getting any closer to me.

"I just want to see my sister. I want to talk to her! Please, Blake. Please." He begs. The two guards stop in their place waiting for Blake's command. I look at Garrett and see the sadness in his eyes. It makes bile rise in my throat.


"Please. You don't understand. She's not telling you everything. Trust me Blake." Garrett speculated. "I know my sister and you may not trust her, but I know there is something she has been hiding. Something she's always been hiding." My eyes widen.

"Garrett, stop." I tell him harshly. "You need to let go. You need to stop searching. Please." I beg, my voice beginning to crack. "Please just let this go."

"No, Jenna. Because for once in your life, someone isn't giving up on you. And that's me. So no. I won't pretend anymore. I won't do it." Garrett proclaimed looking directly into my shiny eyes. The tears drip down my face I as look away.

"Bring them into room 2." Blake spoke quietly, yet firmly. I look up swiftly, my eyes wide and scared. No. No. Just put me in the truck. "Tell the truck to leave without her. We'll send her out another day."

"But Detective--" The guard intervened.

"Another day." Blake confronted harshly, making the guard shrink backwards in fear. He pulled at my arm pushing me towards room 2.

"Don't do this Blake!" I yell, struggling in the guards arms. "Blake!" I yell. But all I hear is a deafening silence.

Garrett sat in front of me, biting his nails. It was a habit of his when he was nervous.

"This is pointless, Garrett." I tell him softly. He looks at me, his face hard.

"What's pointless is all of the bullshit you're throwing my way." He replies, tense.

"It's not bullshit--" I try to speak but he cuts me off.

"When are you going to stop lying and start telling me the truth?" He says bitterly. I feel the tears begin to rise. I have no resolve with him.


"No! We're the only people in here so fess up."

"You don't think there aren't camera's everywhere Garrett." I shrill. Garrett flinches. I have never raised my voice to him before. I sighed, closing my eyes. "Sorry."

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