Smoke & Mirrors

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C – Calleigh

R – Royce

H – Hunter

J – Jackson

B – Brett

G – Grayson

{Calleigh Smoke and her friend Royce Mitchel are starting a new job together at a corporate office. They walk in the office and are introduced to a bunch of characters which include Hunter James, Brett Baker and the CEO Jackson Williams.}

C: It's really nice to meet you all.

J: Hope you like it here. I'll show you two to your offices.

{They enter the first office.}

C: Wow this is nice.

R: It really is.

J: Glad you like it. Royce your office is next door. I'll let you two get to work. If you need me I'll be in my office.

C: Thank you very much.

R: Thanks.


{A few weeks later it's Calleigh's birthday, so everyone wishes her happy birthday.}

R: Happy birthday girl.

{They hug.}

H: Happy birthday. Come here I know you want a hug.

{Calleigh laughs. They hug.}

B: Happy birthday Calleigh.

{They hug.}

J: Happy birthday Calleigh.

{They hug.}

J: We got you a cake.

C: Aww thanks you guys.

B: Come on and share it though.

{Everyone laughs. Calleigh cuts the cake and gives everyone a slice.}

J: Hunter, did you take a slice?

H: I did but Calleigh forced me too.

B: You been complaining saying you want to lose weight and you are eating cake.

H: She forced me to. I told her I didn't want it and when she wouldn't relent I said, "Fine only because it's your birthday.

J: And you actually expect someone to believe that.

{Everyone laughs.}


{Hunter is standing by the water cooler and a coworker named Grayson is talking to her. She doesn't particularly like Grayson and you can see it in the way she is around him but he doesn't realize that. Hunter then leaves to go back to her office. Calleigh was watching the whole thing. She is trying not to laugh. She walks into Hunter's office and sits down.}

C: Looks like someone has a not so secret admirer.

H: I don't understand why he talks to me. I'll be on the phone or doing something and he'll still try to have a conversation. It's annoying.

{Calleigh laughs.}

H: Dude, it's not funny.

C: It kind of is.

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