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Jungkook and Taehyung made their way to Jungkooks farm house. His aunt and uncle generally stayed there but they were away, and they knew Jungkook needed some space away after what he had been through. He was still weak, but he could walk on his own and do most things. Taehyung, of course, didn't leave his boyfriends side even for a second. Not that Jungkook minded.

"Here, let me help," Taehyung said as he picked up their bags and entered their bedroom. It was cute and homey. Jungkook threw himself on the bed, exhausted from walking around so much after so long. He sighed into the bed sheets when Taehyung sat next to him, rubbing circles onto his back.

Taehyung bit his lip, he had been wanting to talk to Jungkook about something for a while, but he wasn't sure how. He wasn't sure how he would tell him that he had been cheating on him (SIKE BITCH I'M KIDDING).
He wasn't sure how to tell Jungkook what he was feeling.

"Baby, can we talk?"
Jungkook sat up, nodding. He scooted closer to Taehyung, eyebrows furrowed at the distressed expression Taehyung displayed.
"What is it, hyungie?", Jungkook asked softly, sweeping Taehyungs hair out of the way.

"Baby, I wanted to talk to you about th-the accident. I love you for what you did, but I don't ever want you to put your life in danger for me again. You pushed me out of the way and got hurt and I'm not fucking okay with that." Taehyung said, anger coming upto the surface as he thought about the accident. He didn't want Jungkook to do that for him.

Jungkook frowned, moving away a bit at his boyfriends words, "So I should have let you get hurt instead?"

"N-no, that's not it. It's just you're so important to me, you're so fucking precious and I can't. I can't do this without you, please don't ever put yourself in a position like that, ever."

"Hyung! I didn't want it to happen! I just wanted you to be okay!", Jungkook said, irritated.

Taehyung stood up, angry now, "How will I be okay without you?! How can you be that stupid? What would I do without you?!", he spat out. "What would I do without my baby, without ever holding you or kissing you again-" his words were cut off when he fell to his knees, head buried in his arms as he cried his heart out. Jungkooks eyes went wide as he crawled off the bed into his boyfriends lap, gently stroking his hair. "Shh, it's okay," he whispered.

"J-Jungkook, p-please don't leave me, ever. I thought I was g-going to l-lose you," Taehyung whispered. "Hyung, you would do it for me too, right? You would do anything to save me?" Jungkook questioned.

"In a heartbeat."

Jungkooks heart grew warm with the sincerity in his boyfriends voice. "Exactly why I did it too.  It was just an impulse. I'll always put you first, Tae."

Taehyungs eyes watered even more, he couldn't believe the precious boy in his lap was actually his, "I'll always put you first, baby," he whispered.

Jungkook hummed, "Let's hope this situation never happens again, okay? Let's not talk about it, hyung, please, let's move on."

Taehyung nodded, resting his head on Jungkooks own, mumbling out a small, "okay."

Jungkook smiled and connected their lips. It was beautiful, soft and sweet. Jungkook couldn't get enough of the feeling of Taehyungs lips on his own.

What started as beautiful soon became heated. They both had been away from each other for long, so it was only natural that what started as a passionate kiss now turned into something more sinful, with Taehyungs tongue roaming all around Jungkooks mouth.

He cupped his ass and squeezed, earning a small moan from Jungkook. Taehyung smirked, "So pretty for me," he panted out as he picked them both up off the floor and placed Jungkook lightly on the bed.

He kissed his neck and his jawline, nipping at the spot he knew would drive Jungkook crazy, "Hyuunnngg~" Jungkook moaned out.

"So, so beautiful for me," Taehyung whispered as he undressed them both, Jungkooks eyes lingering on Taehyungs abs. Taehyung immediately bent down and kissed the scar Jungkook got from the accident, pouring out all his emotions into the kiss.

"Hyung, p-please touch me," Jungkook begged earning a small chuckle from Taehyung. He palmed Jungkook through his boxers, indulging in the small whimpers that left his mouth.
He pulled both their boxers down, exposing their hard, erect cocks out in the open.

Thank god for big hands, he thought, as he grabbed both their members together and ran his hand up and down. Jungkook threw his head back, the friction of Taehyungs cock along with the wonders of his fingers were driving him mad. He squirmed and moaned, "Ah -fuck, f-feels so good," he panted out, "Hm, does it baby?" Taehyung said, voice sounding a little strained because of the pleasure he was feeling as well. Jungkook only replied with a nod, too lost in pleasure to respond with words.

Taehyung stopped pumping their cocks, earning a whine from Jungkook. He chuckled, "soon, baby," he whispered as he kissed him, bringing his lubed up finger towards his hole.

He gently pushed his finger inside, with resistance since it had been long since they did this. "It's okay, baby, you're doing so well for me. I'm so proud of you," he praised when he saw Jungkook clutch the sheets, face showing discomfort. He kissed his neck and chest, and finally added another, smirking when Jungkook let out a high pitched moan as he hit his prostate.

He fingered him for a while, "S-stop, g-gonna come,"

"You don't want to?" Taehyung raised an eyebrow.

"n-not like this, w-want you," he said and Taehyung just about lost his mind. He grabbed his hips and rolled up a condom onto his member before gently pushing in. The effect was immediate as Jungkooks back arched off the bed, "F-fuck, you know how beautiful you are right now? Under me? Fuck baby, you drive me crazy," Taehyung said as he thrusted into Jungkook.

"H-hyung, do y-you get fucking bigger each time," Jungkook genuinely wondered and Taehyung couldn't help but kiss him. He found his baby boy so adorable even in a situation this sinful.

"Ahh - fuck, Tae right there! Ah-oh," he moaned out as Taehyung repeatedly thrusted into him.
Soon, they both came as Taehyung fell onto Jungkooks chest, panting heavily.

"I love you, baby. I'll always be there to protect you."

"I love you too, Tae"

They both fell asleep in each others arms, content being in each others arms. They both knew, that no matter what happens, Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook would always, always love each other.

A/N: AAAAND IT'S DONE! Thank you for reading ❤ I have another idea to write a mafia fic, but I'm not sure how well I'd be able to write it! Let me know if you guys want me to write it! Love you! ❤❤❤

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