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Taehyung couldn't believe his eyes, his own baby was hurt and lying on the road covered with blood. His eyes flashed red with anger as he yelled out for Jimin to call 911. He ran behind the car and saw Lia on the drivers seat, thank god for fitness training, he caught up to her and grabbed her collar through the open window.

"You little bitch, HOW FUCKING DARE YOU TOUCH HIM?!!!", he yelled out, deep voice loud and clear. He pulled her out of the car and threw her to the floor, repeatedly throwing punches.

Jimins scream bought him back to his sense as he ran back to Jungkook, but not before he placed one final punch.

"Baby, baby, please no- fuck,no", he chanted, eyes pooling with tears as he looked at a still Jungkook on the floor. He couldn't take it, he felt like his entire heart was being ripped out of his chest.

Emergency arrived and they all got into the ambulance, Taehyung shaking as he held onto Jungkooks hand for dear life.

"I'm sorry sir, you're going to have to wait here," the nurse said as they entered the ICU. "FUCK, NO! I need to be with him, please!!!", Taehyung yelled out, desperate. But it was too late, they already went inside with Jungkook, leaving Taehyung alone outside the room.

His friends were there too, but he felt so alone. He just wanted his Jungkook.

"He's going to be okay, Tae," Yoongi said, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Taehyung nodded, he tried to be strong till now but he couldn't anymore. He just couldn't.

"He's my b-baby, hyung, I was supposed to take care of him. F-fuck, this is all my fault, my baby  .." he said as he fell to the ground, Yoongi crouching down with him and comforting him the best he can. But nothing seemed to work, the tears were flowing out of his eyes at an alarming rate. No one had ever seen Taehyung like this.

It was then that everyone realized, just how much he loved Jungkook.

A/N: HI, I'm so sorry for the late update! I had no motivation to write and had a lot of school work! This tiny chapter isn't great, I know! I'll update more often and this story is almost done, I'm so sorry again, enjoy! ❤❤❤

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