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ZaKriel looked up at the night sky, full of colourful stars sitting the dark night sky from his window in the bedroom. His left hand was pressing on his heart, where he felt the feeling of wonder was undulating. But it was not his wonder. It was his other half. His soul mate.

He smiled sweetly yet, there was a tinge of bitterness.

His other half was born but ZaKriel also knew something the moment the undulation was felt, it was so small that ZaKriel wouldn't have noticed if he wasn't in a daze, watching the night sky. His other half was not in this world.

Mother and father always said, that one day, ZaKriel will feel emotions that was not of his own. And when he did, he should not get panicked because that was a sign his other half was born and he would always know where his other half was.

That night, under the night sky, a boy of seven year old, shed silent tears, for in a world where people would meet their other half sooner or later, ZaKriel wouldn't.

Years have passed and today, where the sun was shining brightly, a boy has grown into a teenager of thirteen years old where it was an age boys and girls would go and travel the world for their soul mate. ZaKriel isn't an exception. Despite knowing the other half was not in this world, ZaKriel won't burden his mother and father.

While they were sad knowing their son's fate, both parents couldn't do anything for their son so they could only agree to his wishes.

He wanted to travel the world because even though the soul mate is not here, the other half must be able to feel him and ZaKriel doesn't want to affect the other with his negative energy. So he travelled the world, feeling the wonder of how his world work and sharing this hot, no matter how small it is.

But at night, when darkness fall, ZaKriel's feeling of loneliness tortured him. He knew his other half could feel it. Despite how much he doesn't want to, ZaKriel couldn't help but feel the missing piece of his other half.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry..."

Sounds of pleas constantly pouring out of his mouth because he could also feel how tortured the other half felt.

Almost all night was the same.

His secret hope of searching a way to go to his other half was slowly dwindling until one day, when his hope was almost burned out, a chance was given. But, with a price.

ZaKriel looked around him where there were stars all around him in the darkness. Somehow, he knew that he was in space. He was even floating but couldn't move because there was no gravity at all. He didn't panic. Even if he wanted to, he couldn't. Three was a force that kept him keeping his calm.

After time had gone for who knows how long, ZaKriel felt some presence and he looked up. His pupils shrunk in shock and his face looked amusingly animated. Like a cat getting shocked silly. There was two humanoid form, one man and one woman, standing side by side in front of him but it was a shape seemed like it was made of darkness. But the darkness was not sinister but peaceful.

"WoUld you likE to tRaveL the unIVerSe?"

A sound, no, a wave of barrage of sounds from countless men and women sounded in his head, making it feel a bit of a head ache and reflexively tried to cover his ears but the barrage of sound was not transmitted through ears but through mind.

It took time but ZaKriel finally made sense of the words. He looked up in astonishment.

He tried to ask tentatively for confirmation. "Can I meet my other half?"

"YeS. At a pRice."

"What price is it."

"You wiLl Have to lEaVe yOur woRld anD TraveL throUgh the dImension and keEp the Fate and DEstiNy frOm beiNg DisruPTed and cOrreCt the MistAke tHat were Made. In eXchAnge, you Will haVe your wIshes FulfiLled."

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