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Shadow returned to vaati once more with a crushing sense of failure. It wasn't the first time, but he was swiftly running out of hope and energy to try much more. Ever since he'd returned from the light world, the little shadow had excitedly gone about trying to make friends. He thought he'd been good at it, and perhaps trying to bond with someone from his own world would be more successful? Either way, creatures were either too dumb to talk to, too aggressive and simply wanted nothing to do with him, or... Afraid? Yes, the few friends shadow had managed to gather had quickly scattered as if horribly afraid if something. He didn't know what to think of it. Alright, maybe he wasn't as good st the whole friend thing as he thought. At least none of them had tried murdering him yet. Like vio. He huffed a frustrated sigh, slipping into Vaati's home to find the mage. Vaati seemed to be one of the few people who did welcome his presence, and so Shadow was found with the wind mage more
often than not. Today wasn't looking out to be any different. "Master?" He called hopefully upon entering the home, wishing the other might have the time to waste on him.

"Thought you'd come here...the hell do you want?" The mage Asked. Vaati had been possessive about shadow ever since the being was created. He wasn't a biological father or anything. He was only a care taker. But still the pathetic shadow returned. He enjoyed seeing shadow in his presence, he knew something must have gone wrong and that was why he was seeing shadow. "What problem did my little shadow face today?" He asked. He was bittersweet. He had no reason so care for shadow but he couldn't help himself sometimes. He had watched shadow when he was in the light world, seeing how vio stabbed shadow in the back. What an idiot. He thought vio would have a chance with shadow but he knew he was wrong. He only growled at that thought. He tilted shadow's chin up to face him. "What did the little heroes do this time. Did they tell you, you were weak...you were not wanted in their little games?" He cooed. Others in a normal sense may find vaati's ownership on shadow, unsettling and downright awful. He had been abusive in the past but he only learned that from his master years and years ago.

Shadows pointed ears drooped sadly at the reminder of today's rejection. He was perfectly well used to Vaatis possessive side, and the aggression the other showed, he didn't react to them - probably a mistake - as he was too busy enjoying just having someone pay him any mine. "I- ... Yes, Master..." He admits, averting his eyes to look away from Vaati. Regardless, he didn't try and pull away at all, instead just looking horribly embarrassed and ashamed with himself for being unable to do it all by himself. Having vaati as a caretaker was admittedly a relief, for the Shadow really wasn't very good at looking after himself. "Please, Master, I don't think I want to try anymore... No one out there cares for me and I don't know who else to turn to- you're the only one who ever looks after me, please let me stay here for a while..." Shadow begs sadly, looking back up at Vaati and pressing closer to the mage in a needy, touch starved fashion.

Vaati knew he wasn't the caring type. He never was. But he couldn't help to give a smile, a false smile letting shadow things were going to be alright. "Of course Shadow. You can stay as long as you need. After all, when you were with vio, I didn't think you two could last a week. You should of known he cares more for his brothers more than he does for you..." he smirked. He only thought of how he could possess such a helpless little darkling. He did admit to himself he found shadow quite needy at times. "I'm sure you remember the palace rules, you shall address me as master and only master. Don't think you are closer to me, that gives you an excuse to address me by my name. You shall work for me and only me, and you may leave the palace but only if one of the guards take you...." he smirked. "But knowing how today went I'm sure you wouldn't want to go outside...." he said faking a caring smile.

Shadow fell for the false care as easily as he had to Vio's. The shadow didn't know a thing of true care, his whole life had been a continuous cycle of being used by people. Shadow was visibly relieved to be allowed to stay, it was true after all. After all the mess he'd been through, today and previously, Shadow wasn't sure he wanted to brave leaving again. "Yes master, I remember it all..." He promises hurriedly "Please master, I'm all yours- I don't want to leave again..." He muttered unhappily, relieved he hadn't been pushed away from the other. The little shadow would've been distraught if his last hope for support had been crushed.

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