Dinner and sex (+18)

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That evening, dinner was being served. Of course Vaati didn't do the full five courses since he wasn't hosting a ball or party. He just stuck with only three courses, thinking shadow must be starving. He sat in his chair giving shadow a small smile. "So how did you ever fall for vio? Why not the others?" He asked as he had a glass of wine poured for him. Since shadow was older he let shadow have a smaller glass of wine. Of course he was only letting shadow have a small amount. The maids first brought out a soup. A noodle soup. It was in a small shallow bowl not letting it to be too filling.

Shadow relaxed once he was back with Vaati, and was more than eager to eat something. Shadow curiously eyed the wine he was presented with - he'd never really drank much before, he'd had more pressing matter to attend to - but quickly looked up upon being addressed by his master. "Red is too soft- he'd cry if someone so much as glared at him. Blue was... The opposite problem. Too much temper, he'd probably smack me before I had the chance to open my mouth. As well as that... Blue and Green are That evening, dinner was being served. Of course Vaati didn't do the full five courses since he wasn't hosting a ball or party. He just stuck with only three courses, thinking shadow must be starving. He sat in his chair giving shadow a small smile. "So how did you ever fall for vio? Why not the others?" He asked as he had a glass of wine poured for him. Since shadow was older he let shadow have a smaller glass of wine. Of course he was only letting shadow have a small amount. The maids first brought out a soup. A noodle soup. It was in a small shallow bowl not letting it to be too filling.

Vaati nodded. "Until you found out he stabbed you right in the back. That's why I never really liked relationships unless I knew the person for quiet awhile. And even then it would be questionable." He said sipping at his wine. He rarely ate. Maybe a bite here and there but Vaati didn't need much food to survive. "Well I was talking to your cousin and uncle last week, and I was telling them about what you got yourself into, Dark was ready to move out and beat vio with an inch of his life....and Ganon has said don't fall in love, you will only get yourself hurt..." he said.

Shadow ducked his head in shame, his face heating up. Yes, until he found out he was a traitor. The reminder brought up a whole host of unpleasant feelings that he instantly shoved aside. He swiftly started eating so he wouldn't have to worry about an immediate reply to that, but thankfully Vaati - kind of - moved on himself. He smiled slightly at the thought of dark getting protective over him, and nodded slowly "You don't need to worry, Master... I don't think I want to try that ever again." Shadow says quietly. No matter how much he enjoyed the happy giddiness that came with being head over heels for his friend, the aftermath was simply not worth it. He'd much rather hide behind Vaati. Stick to the shadows where he belonged.

Vaati only smirked. He knew shadow had learned his lesson, it damaged him so much. He enjoyed seeing how timid shadow would be at times. Showed him that even the closest feared him and that is what he wanted. He would talk to Dark about hurting vio but vio could just shrug it off. But leading the most innocent out of the group could damage all of them, keep red prisoner. He only laughed at his thoughts. It had to work. As the main course was brought out, Vaati had to think when he could start using shadow again. Maybe slowly and steady. Baby steps he could start using shadow.

Shadow was of course rather strong as far as servants go. His wicked talent in shadow and fire magic could be an incredible asset if used correctly, Ganon had proved that when he'd used shadow to take down hyrule and free Vaati. There was no doubt that Vaati would want to make use of him eventually, his masters always had a task for him. Shadow was somewhat excited to have direction again, it was easier not to think for yourself after all. "Master...?" Shadow eventually speaks up through the main course "... Is there ah- a way I can thank you for taking me in again?"

Vaati only smirked. "Oh there are many ways you can thank me...." he said as he thought of some ways. "First, don't ever leave my side. Unless you want to be tried like the slaves here....but you can thank me with your body....." Vaati said coolly. He was blunt and straight to the point. "Unless you are not sure how to do that...I can show you how to after dinner..." he grinned showing his fangs. "But I won't go easy on you..." he smirked. It was true. If he ever had a one night stand, he would go rough on his partner. He enjoyed hearing them beg and cry out.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2018 ⏰

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