Chapter 2: David Wilson

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David Wilson put the phone down and sighed.

He was an older man, being in his early sixties, but he still had an air of authority around him.

"Sir, you've got Agent Smith and Agent Taylor waiting outside." A young constable said as she peeked her head in the door. David ran his hand over his bald head and gesutred with his hand.

"Send them in."

The two federal agents walked in with more authority than David could possess and he felt helpless at their presence. They stood over him as he rested his chin on his fists and stared blankly at his desk.

"I still think this is a mistake." Agent Taylor, a half Indian and rather scrawny looking man said.

"Are you sure this is the person for the job?" Agent Smith asked, adding insult to injury. It was as if he was implying David had made a career costing mistake.

"No. I'm not." David piped in as he stood up and slid on his jacket. "A matter of fact, she's not the man we need, but like I said we have no options here. Just give me a few days before we send your boys over."

Agents Smith and Taylor exchanged worried glances.

"Alright, your detective has three days to crack the case or else we're heading over." Agent Smith said with an aggressive point. He didn't like this at all.

David did up the last button on his jacket and headed for the doorway. He placed his hands on each of the federal agents' shoulders and escorted them out the door.

"Well gentleman, I thank you for your time, but if you don't mind I need to be getting back to work." David said with false pleasantry as he walked towards the exit.

"And where will you be in case we need you?" Agent Smith said, unconvinced that David had any real work to get done.

"I'll be tending to a few local matters." David reassured as they exited the King's Cross Police Station. There was a long alleyway with a one way road that was scattered with dumpsters and the occassional civillian. The Agents each shook David's hand and walked thesmelves to their sleek black government car.

"By local matters I mean I need a fucking drink." David said as she walked down the street.

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