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Lydia's point of view

I felt a hand on my shoulder as I felt a tear run down my face. I looked to my left to see it was Kira who had a look of concern on her face. " Lydia, what did you hear?" I looked at her. " Th-The key!" I chocked out. She looked at me with a look of shock. " ok, why don't we clean up first and then work on the key thingy, so at least we don't have to clean later." I just shook my head in agreement. When we got downstairs I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pulled it out to see it was from Scott. " Lydia, make sure everyone's in the living room in five minutes need to talk. Really important!!" I looked around to see no one was there.

I blow out a loud breathe before walking towards the basement door, opening I yelled down " STILES !!!!! You need to get yours and Malia's ass up her in the next five minutes. Scott said he has something really important to tell us!!" I let out a laugh when I hear fumbling. " Holy hell Lydia was it necessary to scream. Jesus you gave me a minor heart attack!!, he yelled back to me. I laugh again and this time I didn't yell " No it wasn't necessary I just wanted to scare the crap out of you. And it looks like it worked." Before he could answer back I closed the door and walked away. Out of nowhere the front door opened as Scott came running in with Liam, I jumped up holding my heart. " What the hell Scott, you gave me a fucking heart attack!!" He looked behind me into the living room and I automatically knew he was wondering why no one was in there. Before he could say anything I answered. " Stiles and Malia are downstairs and should be coming up in a few minutes I don't know where Kira is-"

" Right here!!" Kira said coming from the direction of the kitchen. I laughed and looked at her " Curse you and you supernatural hearing!! So Scott what's so important that we needed to be here because if you don't mind I'm trying to figure out the other parts of the key!!"
" Well um I don't know how to put th-" Before he could answer me the door bell rang, I looked towards the door, who the hell could that be at this time.

I started to move towards the door but Scott beat me to it. Me and Kira gave each other a confused look and I was just about to say something but couldn't because Scott came back in with none other then Argent. I took a step forward and could feel a tear roll down my face. " Wh-When d-did you get back?" Was all I could get out. He smiled a little bit and took a step towards me. " Just a few hours ago. I got a text from Scott saying you guys need some help. How've you um been?" I gulped and took in a breathe " I've been ok, ya know some days it's been really bad but there times it's been good. How've you been holding up?" I realized that I was full on crying and that I was also in Argent's arms clinging for dear life. I felt him chuckle " Same some day good other days not so good, it helped that Isaac was there. But then at a certain point I couldn't take it. That was until I meet a special young lady that I think you know?" He pulled away and walked back towards Scott. I knew I had a confused face by the way Scott and Argent smirked. Before I could question what Argent meant by that Scott stepped to the side and there she was I would know this girl from anywhere, at least I hope since we have been friends since first grade. I rushed over to her and without even thinking I engulfed her into a tight hug. " Sierra?" At first she was stiff in the embrace but then I felt her tighten her hold on me. " Hey, Lydia long time no see huh?" I pulled out of the hug and smacked her arm. " OW!! What was that for?!?!" I threw my hands up in the air and started to yell " What do you think it was for? You haven't texted, called, written , or emailed me for over two years and then all of a sudden your back without even giving me a heads up?!?" All of a sudden a smirk that was exactly like her brothers broke out on her face which of coarse triggered me to smile. " I've missed you too Lydia. And I promise I'll make it up to you. How about a shopping trip? My treat?!" I laughed a pulled her into another hug. " Well in that case I hope you saved up when you were in France because you know how I like to shop!!" We both chuckled as I lead her over to the couch. " How could I forget the millions of hours we where at the mall whenever we hung out?!?" She said while rolling her eyes at me. I was just about to ask her something but Argent interrupted. " Sorry to intruded but Sierra I'm gonna go. I just thought you wanted your keys before I left." He said while handing her, her keys I couldn't help but notice the jeep logo handing off her key chain. Of coarse she got a jeep, she's been addicted to them for as long as I can remember. Her voice snapped me out of my thoughts before I could continue. " Thanks, what are you gonna do while I'm here?" She asked him with a confused look on her face. " I was gonna go and drop your stuff at your house so you won't have to worry about it later." He said in a very duh kinda of way.

I watched as Sierra got up and gave him a hug at first he was surprised but then he hugged her back. She pulled away a smiled at him, Argent began to walk away but Sierra stopped him. " Argent??!?!?!?" He turned around and smiled " yeah?!?" Another smile broke out on her face " Thank you!" He smiled back at her but you could see the confusion on his face. She rolled her eyes at him " Thanks for bringing me, I guess I'm trying to just thank you for everything you've done for me. It really means a lot. So thank you." She said sincerity laced all throughout her sentence. He nodded before he left. She sat back down but this time she sat on the coffee table across from me. She breathed out loudly as I saw Scott sit on the couch out of the corner of my eye. We sat there in dead silence for a couple of minutes before I decided to say something. " So, how was it living in France did you date anyone?" I wiggled my eyebrows while asking which of coarse she laughed at. " Yes, Lydia I had a boyfriend in France!!!" She giggled out, I looked over to Scott to see he was just shaking his head. " I'm gonna go in the kitchen cuz I really don't want to her about my baby sisters love life." He laughed while walking away. When I knew he was out of ear shot I turned to her " Sooo, how was it dating a French guy, was it amazing, did he show you why it's called a French kiss?" I couldn't help but tease her. I watch as her cheeks blushed bright red. I screamed out loud jumping up and down in my seat " OM fucking G he did, didn't he? About time you where becoming such a prude. She just shook her head as she smiled and laughed but quickly her smiled faded and I realized that the fun was over. She sigh " I mean it was fun for the first two months but then after that it didn't feel right. It felt like this giant hole was burning in my heart and I didn't know why until I realized-" she stopped talking and I decided to finish for her "Because your still in love with Stiles." I notice she was fiddling with her thumbs not wanting to look up at me, I took her hands in mine and squeezed them cuz I knew that she wanted to stop having this feelings for Stiles but she couldn't help it she'd fallen for him hard and didn't know what to do. She looked at me and gave me a small smile. I saw a tear run down her face and wiped it away. I lifted her chin up so she had to look at me. " Sierra it's ok to feel like that, your human, emotions are kinda of a packaged deal with being human."

She chuckled " It not ok. I have feelings for my best friend that I've known since I was four and just knowing that he doesn't feel the same way rips me apart." I looked at her apologetically because I knew something she didn't. I knew that Stiles felt the same way about her. It's funny since he has a girlfriend now but whenever he asked me about her you saw that fire in his eyes that he didn't have when he asked about anyone else it was also funny because I think she's the only one who never figured it out. Before I could responded the devil himself called out " Hey guys, I helped Malia control the transformation!!! Hey guys where are you?!?" He walked into the living room, I froze in my spot not knowing what to do.I looked at Sierra as her grip on my hand tighten. I looked up to see everyone running behind Stiles who was standing behind Sierra in confusion. He pointed to Sierra " Hey Lydia who's your friend?" He asked of coarse because he didn't notice it was Sierra since her back was facing him. Very slowly we both got up. She hesitated before turing around to face him. I watched him go from confusion to shocked to happy then back to shocked. He turned to Scott " Di-Did you know she was coming back?" He stammered out. Scott shook his head " No, I had no clue she was coming, she showed up just in time to stop Liam from killing me." He said you could her the shame in his voice.

And I mean I could understand why he was ashamed she was here for about ten minutes and he didn't even bother to go downstairs and tell him that Sierra was back. I mean I'm on Stiles's side how could you not tell your best friend that you little sister who that best friend has been in love with since second grade that she's back, sitting in the living room. I was brought out of my thought when I saw Stiles walk up to Sierra and without any hesitation he hugged her. Everyone could see that Sierra wasn't expecting Stiles to hug her but after a few seconds she buried her face in his chest and hugged him back. That only seem to make him want to hug her more because he moved one hand up to her head while the other was still around her torso. He started to stroke he head as he pressed his lips to her forehead, I was the only one to notice that he was tearing up since everyone was behind. I guess he thought he was whispering to her but realistically he was talking in his normal voice. " I've missed you so much you can't even understand" he stilled hasn't let her go and I could tell that everyone started to feel uncomfortable because they started to look around the room. I mean what would you do if you saw that and then heard what they where saying. My point stands I just hope that they pull apart before Malia comes. And right on cue Malia finally decided to join us just to see Stiles holding on tightly to some other girl. Oh shit this isn't gonna end while.

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