Trust Your Honor: Russell

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"Sam!" I yell as I run to my pregnant wife's body laying on the freshly fallen snow.

"Russell, where have you been?" she asks me and I smile.down at her softly, when I realize she's not hurt.

"What in the hell are You doing outside in 5° weather without a coat?" I ask he as I scoop her up.

"I was looking for Devil, okay? Your damn dog don't know.his way back home." she says, more or less dissing my German Shepherd.

"Hey, don't diss the dog, babe, he'll come home when he freezes his nuts off." I say and she laughs.

"Mikal and Alix are at your dad's, ain't they?" I ask, once I.get us inside our house.

"Yeah, he the Christmas Parade in Dublin." she says and I nod, grabbing the house phone and calling her dad.

"Hey, John, I'm home, can you bring Mikal and Alix home now?" I ask and he says he can.

"Sam, you know I don't trust him. Not after Miley." I tell her and she nods.

"Russell, dude, ya oanu?" Mike asks me and I nod.

"Yeah, just thinking about wife and kids." I say and he nods.

"How many you got, Russ?" Mike asks and I chuckle.

"Three. Two twin boys and a little girl." I say and he smiles.

"What's their.names?" he asks and I sigh.

"The boys'  names are Mikal and Alix, both named after my wife's, Samantha's, uncles. My little girls name is Andra. It was supposed to be Sandra, but my wife couldn't see well and, the nurses thought is was just Andra." I say and he smiles.

"Russ, dude, you have a big family from the looks of it...what about Miley, your little sister?" he asks and I sigh.

"Last time I tried to talk to her, she cussed me up one side and down.the other." I say and then the alarm goes off.

"All personnel. Report to the loading deck immediately! Repeat, all personnel, Report to the loading deck immediately!" the P.A. woman says and we all grab our guns and run to the decks quickly.

"What the hell is going on?"I ask as I stand in.line, my gun.ready to fire.

"Iraqi's. Their trying to board the boat." Fredrick says and I nod.

"Dude it's just women.trying to get their kids on here! They have white flags on them." Mike yells and they give us the order to lower our weapons.

"Russell, here. She's injured."he says, handing me a little girl no older than my own daughter.

"Hey! Freddie, get me some alcohol and water, asap!" I yell and then get what I.asked.

"Dude, she's gonna be okay. C'mon, let's get the hell home." Mike says and I look at.him.

"We're going home?" I ask them, and hear gunfire. I turn to see a woman shooting at people and I see her aiming for the little girl in my arms.

Turning back is facing their I cover the little girl in my arms and feel a fiery pain in my lower back.

"Ki Nuaki." she says and I see her hand over a gun on her.side.

"No!" I say and grab her gun, throwing it off the boat.

"Please...let me die." the girl says and I shake my head.

"No. You ain't gonna die. I promise. Jia nuaka foan ge icak!" I yell and she nods, wrapping her tiny arms around my neck and I stand up, pulling out my pistol and aiming it out at the men.who just boarded the boat I'm on.

"Icak!" one yells and I cap his ass in the left shoulder blade.

"Not today you son of a bitch." I say and carry the girl to the metal bullet proof cage and sit her inside.

"Juia brie onea dija."  I tell her and she nods. I hand her my gun and she quickly puts it in her hip holster.

"Hua kial iteaj!" I yell at her and she nods, pulling it out and aiming around her. I lock the cage and leave her.

"C'mon you sons of bitches!" I yell, picking up a
semi-automatic machine gun and close my eyes, breathing out slowly, before opening fire on.all of the Iraqi sons of bitches on my boat.

"Russell! C'mon, let's go!"I.hear Mike yell.and.quickly run back to the little girl and pop the.lock off of the cage, picking her up and rushing to.the evac chopper.

"Get us home, now!" I yell at the pilot and he nods, getting us the fuck out of here, just as our boat, the U.S.S. West Virginia, gets bombed.

"Look away, kiddo, look away." I mumble, holding her head into my vested chest.

"Sir, we are 15 hours out from the US military base in Atlanta, Georgia." he says and I nod, holding onto the little girl.

"Hey, kiddo, what's your name?" I ask her and she smiles.

"Elizabeth." she says and I her.

2 days later...

"Sam, Lizzy, Andra, Mikal, and Alix! Time to go!" I yell and we all pile into the station wagon.

"Dad, where are we going?" Mikal asks and I laugh.

"Well, I figured that we could get some ice cream." I say and they all say yay.

"Russell! Look out!" Sam yells and that's when I look out the front glass and see a semi heading straight at us.

"No!" I yell and swerve to the other side of the road, busting the guardrail and going into the road below us.

"Sam!" I yell, and see that her, and all my kids are dead, except Andra.

"Come here baby girl. Daddy's got ya. Come here." I say and get her out of the car and run away from.the inferno I called a car.

"Dada, Pease, mama!" she yells, then I see the car getting ready to explode, and duck down, holding Andra's head I back away from the car, just as it explodes.

Trust your honor

Trust your judgement

Trust in yourself

I hear my dad's voice recite in my head and I sigh, feeling tears going down my face. I had to use some Iraqi language in this one, translations below⬇

Oanu- Okay

Ki Nuaki- I'm sorry

Jia nuaka foan ge icak- You aren't gonna die

Icak- Die

Juia brie onea dija- Take this gun, now!

Hua kial iteaj- Shoot the masks!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2018 ⏰

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