Terrible Things

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The sky was a deep gray with clouds covering its normally bright sky. The only light given was the glow from street lights and the headlights of passing cars.

It had been raining the night before and it seemed to have finally calmed down from it's showers. It was currently three in the afternoon and the public schools in Tokyo, Japan had just let out. Half of the children climbed into the bright yellow buses while some scurried around to find their rides home. Only a handful of the students started their journey home on foot.

However, one female in particular ran in attempt to catch up to her friend who was already half way down the block.

"Dalto! Wait up, my dude," an eager blonde called as she ran up to her raven friend. The blonde female, or better known as Fransisca Karlisle, chased her friend who was strolling causally home.

"Hey Sisca. Haven't seen you all day. You trying to ditch me or something?" the boy named Dalto Kurogami questioned with a grin. Fransisca had been Dalto's friend ever since grade school, always being the ravens second shadow. Considering who her parents were, that was kind of surprising. The two continued to down the side walk in the direction of the up coming houses district.

"I could never leave you, edgelord. I didn't see you all day because you're now looking at the new leader of the school's beyclub!" she bragged with her chest puffed up. She had obviously gotten that confident habit from her father.

"Since the old leader graduated last year, their was an opening. They were originally gonna vote someone to lead but I jumped in saying the strongest should lead. I won all my matches against the strongest five and secured my spot as captain!"

"I had to have a meeting with the principle, sign some weird official documents and meet with other club captains. You wouldn't believe how nice they are. They aren't the snobby kids they were made out to be, which is a huge relief of course," Fransisca rambled, waving her arms in the air dramatically to try to emphasize her point. Dalto couldn't help but smile at his female companion.

"That sounds great." Dalto simply said as he kicked a pebble in his path. There was a still silence before Francisca gasped in realization.

"You should really rethink about joining the beyclub. We would be so much stronger with you on the team. Like a secret weapon! Plus I was told it looks really good on college applications," the blonde girl said, pulling on her friends jacket sleeve like a toddler would to it's mother to gain her attention.

Dalto sighed and looked down at the begging girl. "You know my dad won't let me. Says it reminds him too much of my mom." Dalto replied taking his sleeve back and fixing his jacket.

"Which is kind of unfair when you think about it, right? He's your dad, he shouldn't stop you from doing things you're passionate about. But whatever, don't listen to me I guess," Fransisca ranted once more while reaching over and grabbing Dalto's sleeve again who 'tsked' as she messed up his sleeve crease again.

"Like I've said, it's not like that. He's just sensitive about it which I completely understand. I'm not about to go against his wishes, especially if it hurts him in the process," Dalto defends, brushing his pinky against the grip on his jacket.

"I'm just saying, he shouldn't stop you just because of his own mindset about something that happened forever ago. Like what's really stopping you?" Fransisca grumbled to the sky before taking a glimpse at her companion.

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