Ima Tell The Truth and The Whole Truth- August Alsina

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We were all sitting at the table eating ,like a family. Even TJ was here.

"I remember when you was just a baby and you would break all of Quincy's blunts. I was so proud of you, you were a smart baby. "

"Momma that ain't funny, everytime I bought a dime sack he'd take it and rip it up. You was a bad ass little baby"

"You stop talking bout my baby like that."

"I remember when you got yo ass whooped in Walmart for peeing in the frozen food section cause you couldn't get no ice cream "

That ain't funny, I still got a scar on the back of my leg from that.

Khalil just burst out laughing like that was the funniest thing he ever heard in his life. Hahahaah very funny.

"You telling me he pissed in the frozen food section? Tell me Jordan, was your little pickle cold?"

"I bet it was cold, I bet it wasn't cold when I took my belt off and whooped his little ass in that store"

"I'm telling you, when momma brought him home, he was crying. He was crying when I gave him a bath, he was crying while his little fat ass was eating. He was crying in his sleep." Uncle Q ain't even have to say all that.

"He was crying when i picked him up and took him to the zoo the next day , the monkeys was laughing they ass off at him. I'm telling you she whooped his ass so bad, his daddy could feel it" TJ trynna be funny.

"Oh, that ain't nothing, Rico got his little ass beat day in and day out." Granny said sipping some tea.

"Oh, I'm talking all the time, shit I got my ass whooped with Rico plenty of times. "

"All three of us did, I blame you Quincy. You was the oldest, I expected you too take the blame for all of us."

"Nah, if I got my ass whooped y'all was getting y'all ass whooped too."

As we sat there and exchanged stories , I felt like I had a complete family. No arguing, only peace and love, it always felt like that when Granny was here. It was only a matter of time before we had to tell her about the situation that my aunt had placed us in.

Khalil and I were in the back shooting hoops when we heard the rampage start.

"What the hell she mean, that ain't Rico's son? You let that bitch know - Lawd I'm sorry. You let that woman know that we- he took it? Jordan come here"

She finna kill me.

"Yes ma'am? "

"You took it? Why baby?"

"I wanted it off my conscience granny. I couldn't go on forever not knowing "

"I understand, you still mine?"

"Always granny" I hugged her and everything calmed down. TJ looked at us and shook his head.

"Y'all crazy, but y'all family "

About two hours later TJ went home and Khalil hopped his rabbit ass in my bed and cut the TV on. Just as I was about to kick his ass my granny called me in the living room. She had a box sitting on her lap and something balled up in her fist. It was a tear in her eye.

She walked up to me and placed a cross around my neck.

"Your father had that on when he died. Rico was so stubborn he would rather die than go to jail, but rather go to jail than not take full responsibility for his actions. Such an interesting spirit he was, I remember when I first taught him how to walk. He was doing good until he fell. I tried to help him up and he swatted my hands away. Guess what? He got up by himself and walked about two yards. Rico liked to do things by himself with little to no help, but he also liked to help people. You remind me of him so much. He told me to give this to you when you turned 15 , I could lie and say I forgot too, or I didn't think you were ready. But, the truth is I wasn't ready. I wasn't ready to relive everything that happened to my child, I wasn't ready to hear his name. I know your ready, so here you go." she handed me the box, kissed my forehead and walked down the hallway to her room."

I opened up the box and pulled out this small box. It had these diamond studs. It had this note in it that said: happy 15th birthday baby boy.

Ha, try 16th dad.

I took out this large envelope and pulled out this picture.

"Ya know, I took that. " Quincy said as he looked over my shoulder.


"As soon as you saw him you smiled. You had this one little tooth sitting in the top of your mouth, no teeth having ass. You meant the world to that boy. Anyway, I'm bout to go to Braum's, want anything?"

"Cookies and cream, and get Khalil fat ass one too."

"Oh, his fat ass gave me a whole list of crap to get. " we both laugh and he heads out the door.

I look at the folder but I'm distracted by the note folded up.


I know that you probably don't want to know me or have anything to do with me. I'm not trying to buy you or nothing I just want to make sure you okay. Ya know? By now you probably know about what I did. I just want you to know I'm sorry. I would understand if you hated me. I hope that you don't. I got this disease, so they say, that make me do stupid shit when I'm mad. That ain't no excuse though ya hear me? I know better. It's my fault. And may God have mercy on my soul. I may not be there with you, but I got you. I love you alright. I just need you to know that.

I folded the note back up and grabbed a picture frame from my room.

Khalil read it and nodded his head. I put the note behind the picture and put it in the frame. Then I sat it on my dresser.

My uncle got back and Khalil big hungry ass got three burgers, a pint of ice cream, a sprite, and a large fry. We had just ate and his fat ass was eating again. That's what you call a black hole.

We stayed up watching Dragonball Z until we fell asleep.

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