Karaoke Wars

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"Tch. Oi! (Name), hurry up!" Ayato was waiting outside of your room while you got dressed. "You can't rush perfection Ayato-kun. I'm almost done!"
He leaned up against your door and sighed heavily. "Done!" You opened your door and Ayato fell hard onto your room floor.
"Ayato...what are you doing?" He got up fast and went to yell at you but he noticed something different about you. "(Name) you-!" Ayato looked at you up and down in utter amazement.
You smiled playfully and posed to show off your dress. The Sakamaki's always seen you with your hair up in a bun or in a ponytail but today due to the special occasion thanks to Karl Heinz you were told to "dress up for a change."
So you decided to go all out. You had on a very form fitting red dress with matching stilettos on. You hair was styled with beach waves and your bangs were straightened perfectly. You looked stunning and Ayato was at a loss for words.
"Y-y-y-ou...." Before he could speak up Reiji came around the corner to see what was the hold up and then his eyes fell on you. "What is taking you two so-" Reiji's jaw dropped slightly and his eyes widened. You smiled mischievously and he avoided your gaze while fixing his glasses. "Everyone is already in the limo waiting, lets go..."
Ayato was still mute and you stroked his cheek softly "Should I take your silence as a compliment?" You giggled showing off your best smile and he grabbed your hand pulling you away. "Shut up.."
Reiji and Ayato got into the limo and everybody noticed that they were both hot and bothered which was foreign to them. Then you stepped into the limo and sat beside Reiji.
The others that hadn't seen your transformation yet looked at you wide eyed.
Laito smiling with pinkish cheeks pokes at Shuu. "Shuu you have to see this. Look at (Name)-chan~!"
Shu maintained his eyes closed and sighed heavily. "I see her almost everyday, there isn't much to look at."
This made you angry and you threw your cell phone at him but he caught it before it hit his face. Then he opened one eye and looked at you. He looked like he was going to say something to you but he swallowed his words when he seen your new look.
"Ufu~ Wow~(Name)-chan even Shuu is at a lost for words. Who knew you were hiding such a curvy body under all those baggy clothes. Tonight I'll have to punish you for exciting me so easily.~"
Subaru who was checking you out spoke up "Like hell you are! I won't allow you to do whatever you want with her!"
"Subaru-kun~No fair you can't be so selfish. A woman like her should be shared graciously right? Kanato-kun"
Kanato was stuck on you, but he agreed with Laito. "I've never seen such a curvy woman before...I wonder where I should start...?"
Ayato's blood boiled "She belongs to Ore-sama be grateful that I'm even allowing you all to look at her with lustful eyes! Anyone who wants to take a bite has to go through me!"
Subaru was hell bent on protecting you from them while trying to control himself as well. "NOBODY IS GOING TO TOUCH HER! LEAVE HER ALONE!"
You were feeling a little overwhelmed and broke the tension " We're here....." You opened the limo door and walked into the karaoke bar without waiting for them.
You were starting to regret dressing up like this because you were getting attention for all the wrong reasons which made your stomach churn. Due to past experiences your not into have all eyes on you in such a way. Plus it kind of made you upset. If you were going to receive attention from the Sakamaki's you wanted it to be because of the fact that they like you as a person not just by how good you look.
"Oi! (Name)!"
"(Name)-chan~ Wait for me!"
"How rude to walk off ahead of everyone else."
You ignored them and walked into the Karaoke bar but someone pulled you into a room and shut the door behind them. "Hey! What is your problem!" When you glanced at the person you gasped under your breath. It was Karl Heinz. He wore a bright smile on his face and admired what you were wearing. "Looks like you took my advice."
You grew annoyed by his tone "Why did you force us to come here?" His smile only grew at your question. "Because I want to uncover your secret." Your heart sank and a cold sweat ran down your back. "W-what are you talking about?"
Karl sat on the light-up couch elegantly and poured a glass of wine. "I know what you have been trying to hide. So by coming here you wouldn't be able to cover it up."
You sank into the seat and put your head down. "Why are you doing this?"
He sighed lightly and leaned forward "I don't understand you at all which is very surprising to me. (Name), you have so many abilities and talents but yet you choose to hide them. You could easily win over any of my sons without much effort but for some reason you choose not to." You lifted up your head and grabbed the glass of wine taking a quick sip. "Is that all?" You spat out those words and put on your poker face trying not to show your nervousness.
"The reason I brought you here is to continue my bloodline. Not play it off as if you are human." {PLOT TWIST x3}
You dropped the glass of wine and all feeling left your body. Karl smiled again and took the wine from your hands finishing it off. He put the wine down on the table and stared at you seriously. "No human can sing the way you sing. Your voice is very hypnotizing. So I have come to a conclusion that you are-"

"(Name)! Who said you could run off without permission!?"
It was Reiji who came in making a ruckus. He was looking directly at you and hadn't noticed his father was sitting there watching him in carefully. "Wow. Reiji I've never seen you like this before."
Reiji snapped back into reality after noticing Karl was in the room. He gained his normal posture and fixed his glasses avoiding me and his father's gaze. "Everything is set up and no one wants to sing unless your there..." Without hesitation you sprang up from the sofa and dragged Reiji out of the room.
"What were you doing with that man?" You didn't want to talk about it so you changed the subject. "Reiji I need to use the bathroom. Wait here." You walked into the lady's room and changed your clothes into something more comfortable. After changing you exited the bathroom and Reiji looked at you in disappointment but didn't say anything.
You both walked into the room and everyone looked at you dissatisfied.
"Oi (Name) why did you change so quickly?"
You sighed heavily and planted yourself next to Shuu. "Because I was uncomfortable..."
"(Name)-chan~ Do you want to go fir-" You cut Laito off "I'd rather go last I want to hear you guys sing first."
"Ore-sama is obviously the best singer here so there is no competition!"
"SHUT UP! MOTHER ALWAYS SAID I WAS A BETTER SINGER THAN ANYONE!" Kanato screamed and it echoed into the microphone making everyone cringe.
"Ore-sama is #1!" Ayato grabs the mic and picks a song called Addicted Phantom.
You sat back as each one sang and you were very impressed especially with Shuu and Subaru. They were the best but everybody was amazing.
Reiji sang A Certain Prophets Fate.
Subaru sang Beloved Pain.
Kanato and Laito sang Gin No Bara together.
But what caught you by surprise was Shuu. He sang Farewell and it stole your heart. You were enjoying yourself with them but you noticed that it was your turn and you were feeling the anxiety.
"(Name)-chan~ it's your turn"
Everyone watched anxiously as you walked up and grabbed the mic. You picked a song that you knew and it started making your heart pound. Your secret will finally be out and your heart ached.
The song you picked was Meikyuu Butterfly. It was a rather dark song for you but it was the one song you knew. As you sang they all sat and watched wide eyed as your whole demeanor.
The song was finally over and you put your head down hiding you face. No one spoke a word and you put your head up meeting their gazes. Your body started to shake and you couldn't handle them looking at you the way they did so you ran out of the room.
When you reached the front door you bumped into Karl. He smiled at you in a way that you felt like he was mocking you. "So what were their reactions?" You pushed him away from you. "Go to hell"You pushed the double doors and walked out into the street.
It was getting cold out and you didn't bring a jacket so you stood at a bus stop so the cold air wouldn't hit you. You felt empty inside and your mind was running.
Before you could turn around someone covered you with their jacket. When you finally realized who it was you ran into their arms and started crying. "I'm so sorry...I didn't want to hide anything from you. I just- I just wanted you to like me for me. I lied to you and I was even lying to myself. I-I-I" Before you could finish speaking he whiped your tears and lifted up your chin. You locked eyes with him and his face got closer to yours. He stopped when his lips were about to touch yours and said "I already knew this whole time.."

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