Skipping Class

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School was hell, and I say that as someone who has been in three wars. There was so much school work I had completely abandoned reading all the files Coulson sent me, sending him a letter asking to lighten up on the work. He sent a letter back saying he would ask the new director, which confused and alarmed me, but he wouldn't tell me anything. I hadn't actually been to SHIELD in a year and a half. I was a little scared to see how much had changed while I was gone.

The boys, Hermione and I were sitting in the Common Room, trying to figure out how to break it to Hagrid that we didn't like his subject. According to Harry, Hagrid was insulted none of us had taken his class.

"We should just go talk—"

The specialized phone Fitz and Simmons had made for me, that would work at Hogwarts, started ringing. Ron scream, Hermione stared and Harry pulled his wand.

"Calm down guys, it's just my phone." I reached into my pocket and grabbed it. I had used it to call Coulson in Wakanda, and apparently the wards in Wakanda were similar to the ones in Hogwarts. It made it easier to still work with SHIELD while at school.

"What's up," I said, piping the P.

"But electricity doesn't work at Hogwarts," exclaimed Hermione. I waved her off.

"Oh, Kendra. Thank goodness you answered."


"And Fitz. Something terrible has happened. We wouldn't call you unless we absolutely needed you. We understand you have school and other commitments. There is no one else who came help and—"

"Simmons," I cut her off. "Tell me what happened."

"Well there's a lot that has changed since you have been away, but we can't get into it right now."

"Just tell me."

Her voice went down to a whisper. "Coulson, May and who knows who else has been replaced with incredibly advanced Android AI like things with supernatural abilities."


"We don't know who is a robot and who isn't anymore. Not to mention they are all in a virtual reality, and we don't know where they are kept. We need your help, Fitz and I have no clue what to do."

I turned back to my friends, who were staring at me expectantly. Then looked at my pile of homework. Then kicked myself for even having to think about it.

"I'll be there in under twenty minutes."

I clicked the phone shut and turned to my friends.
"I have to go."

Hermione's jaw dropped, her eyes filling with worry. "But— school—why?"

I glanced at Ron, who looked unconcerned, and Harry, whose jaw was stiff.

"Look guys, this is really important. This shouldn't take to long. Some advanced androids replaced, and I guess kidnapped Coulson and some other SHIELD members."

"You have to be joking," said Harry.

"It's not a big deal, but I need to leave now."

I ran upstairs and changed into my shield uniform, and put my robes on over them. I had a gun in one holster, my wand in my wand holster, and a knife strapped to my thigh.

By the time I went back down to the Common Room, they were gone. I folded the letter up and put it in my pocket. Then I walked down the halls to Grandmother's office. Cho and Jazz waved at me as they passed. I smiled and waved back, feeling a little ball of guilt build up in my stomach.

When I got to the door my Grandmother's office, I took a deep breath, then opened the door. I knew she would not be happy when I told her I was needed at shield. But I wasn't eleven anymore. If she wouldn't let me go, I would sneak out.

I stride into the room, stopping short when I saw Snape and Headmaster Dumbledore gathered around Grandmother's desk, where she sat. The stopped talking when they saw me standing in the room. The door banged shut behind me.

Grandmother stood up, sensing the reason I came.

"Barton," Snape sneered. "How dare you come barging in—"

"I'm sure Ms. Barton has her reasons," said Dumbledore calmly.

"I do," I said. I almost asked them to leave the room, but then I remembered they already knew about SHIELD and my role there.

"Well, spit it out," said Grandmother not unkindly.

"I need to go to SHIELD."

"Kendra, we have talked about this."

"Not that I recall."

"During the school year I am responsible for you, and you will not be running to your death."

I took a shaky breath. "Please, they need me."

Grandmother straightened her back. "They don't need a sixteen year old."

I balled my fists. "Of course they don't, but I'm one of the only ones left who can help."

"What do you mean?"

"The two sweetest, smartest, kindest, terrible at combat scientists are trapped at HQ. I'm the only person left they can trust. They are scared and they need me."

There was a pause, as everyone processed. Snape was being strangely quiet, standing back and watching.

"Minerva," began Dumbledore. "Let her go."

"She's sixteen!"


Everything was quiet, as Grandmother and Dumbledore had a silent argument.

"How long will you be gone?"

"A day or two at most."

"What about your friends?"

I swallowed back the guilt. "What about them?"

"The flow powder is over there."she pointed to a metal bowl on her desk. I grabbed a handful, nodding my thanks to Dumbledore.


Hey Everyone, sorry the chapter is kinda short. For anyone who watched Agents of SHIELD, the timeline will be a little rushed, and I am switching up framework a little bit.

Forever and Always,


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