Chapter 3

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"Venom." Dawn said aloud. Venom? What? Eddie looked at me telling me he was okay.

"Maria!" He panicked. "Oh shit!"

We took off running. I told him to follow me and we exited the lab. Security guards showed up and Eddie jumped off the wall and punched the dude out. I slid across the floor and tripped the other. I smirked at Eddie as I stood. It feels good to be back. More security guards showed up and we ran away. Eddie kicked down the door and we were outside. There was security one way so we ran the other way. We ran towards the gates.

"Oh shit!" I yelled as he jumped through roughly and rolled down the hill. We got up and ran away. Gunshots could be heard and dirt lifted around us. They were shooting at us. We dodged trees and jumped over logs. I could hear vehicles in the distance.

"Got eyes on them!" Yelled someone as more shooting was heard. I was out of breath, but continued on beside Eddie. We dodged bullets and a vehicle came up beside us. Eddie crashed to a fallen tree and fell to the ground.

"Son of a bitch!" I yelled and stopped. He was forced up and pushed by something.

That something, is Venom. My friend.

Oh okay. We ran farther into the forest. The guards were now running behind us. We stopped. We were surrounded. We looked at each other before I climbed up a tree and Eddie followed. I sat at the very top of the tree, looking down at the guards below us.

"Where the hell they go!" One asked.

"Spread out! Find them!" They started to leave when I almost fell, but Eddie grabbed me. We were both scared and out of breath.


I went with Eddie to his apartment. He was calling Skirth.

"Skirth! Yeah, it's me. We just got back. Are you alright? I mean we haven't heard from you and we wanted to know if your alright. That was a great call, you were absolutely right. Yeah, listen, I gotta call him. I got a bunch of photographs and he could publish them. If you could just call me back, okay?" He took a drink of water from the tap. He coughed a whole glass. Oh I know what's about to happen. He groaned and bent over, in pain.

"Eddie, you alright?" I asked stepping towards him.

"Oh yeah, yeah. Don't worry." He reassured me. I know he was lying. He started to look in his fridge.

Venom was always a pig. Worst then me.

I'm really happy that you're not, but you still kinda are, but I can't imagine worse then you.

Hey! Rude! I am much, MUCH different then Venom. You should be very happy I found you instead of him. He's stricter and more mean. I'm playful and energetic.

We'll see about that.

Eddie pulled out a bag of tater tots out of the freezer and opened it. Eating the tater tots frozen. I gagged. He looked at the garbage. I almost puked. No. He opened to garbage and pulled out rotten food. He moaned as he ate it. I looked away. That's what I looked like... shit! His eyes changed colours. From his greenish to black and white then back to greenish. He ran out the room into the bathroom. I heard him puking. I nodded at the memory. That's disgusting. He groaned.

After he was done, we brushed his teeth. I stood at the bathroom door way and saw Eddie's eyes turn to white, just like Dawn. He screamed and fell into the bathtub. I bursted out laughing as Eddie looked at me scared and confused. I smiled at him, shaking my head.

"D-did you see that?" He asked frightened. I nodded. He then fainted. I shook my head and grabbed him. I struggled to pull him out and I couldn't. What did Eddie eat?! He weighs like 500 lbs! I tried again, but I wasn't strong enough. I could hear Dawn laughing.

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