"Anyone can make you smile, many can make you cry, but it takes someone really special to make you smile with tears in your eyes."
We all have that one person that helps us through those tough times, and those we can have a good laugh with, right? Well how many of you can say they're the same person? I know I can because my best friend* is the same person I can turn to for both and I hope she knows I'll always be there for her too.
But if you think about it, how many people do you know like that? Everyone deserves that person, and if we all had them, I'll bet money that the world would be a much better place.
Now please, next time you're feeling down or angry or depressed or sad, message me! I'll talk to you and try my best to be there or make a (corny) joke!
OMG IT'S BEEN 5 MONTHS SINCE I LAST UPDATED THIS BOOK. WHAT A FAILURE IS I. Annnnyyyyyway, thank you guys so much for reading and I'm hear to talk if you need it!Buh-bye,
MM*My bff is Mockingjay_rosee13 if you want to go check her out because her books are amazing!

Quotes For Life
DiversosThis is just a book of quotes that have helped me get through some tough times and I think that some might help others as well. NOTICE: Some may be religious but other than that, please enjoy! (Don't forget to vote/comment on your favorites!)