The Assignment

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Alecs POV

I woke up on the couch with a horrible headache. I need to stop drinking the hangovers just get worse for me. Creak. I heard a bedroom door open and looked over to see who was in my room. I locked eyes with Jace. He scrunched his face up and clicked his tounge. We didnt speak one word to each other. I stood up and walked past him towering his frame by a foot. Walking into the kitchen i grabbed a glass filled it with water and got some pain relievers. Afteter taking them i sighed and went back to the couch to be faced with jace again but this time he was only in a towel.

"Hurry and go get dressed, the boss would like to speak with us and i personally dont want to be late" he said glaring holes into me head.

"Fine ill be out in 5" i responded.

"Good" he walked off into his bedroom. I went back to my room and got dressed. I put on a nice dark blue button down shirt and black jeans. It didnt matter what we wore as long as it wasnt too stupid.

"Lets go" jace said at my door. I didnt respond but went out and to our boss's room on the top floor. When we got there i fixed my clothes and walked in jace following behind me.

"Sit" the man said gesturing towards the chairs set up in his office. We sat down across from him. "As you know today you will be given your assignment and you will have to work together"

This is a short chapter but ill have the next posted soon

Also do you want me to make a holloween special?

Well thats all for now bye~

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