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Solmi didn't expect that from Renjun

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Solmi didn't expect that from Renjun. In fact, she didn't know Renjun even liked her in that way. It was extremely shocking that Renjun would kiss her out of the blue. That was her first kiss, and she got to share that with her fiancé.

It was awkward when they both pulled away from the kiss. Renjun felt stupid for kissing her like that without even knowing her feelings. He only knew that she enjoyed teasing him. But liking him? He hadn't even thought about that.

Renjun saw a slight tint of pink in her cheeks. Maybe it was because she was surprised, or maybe she liked the kiss. Who knows?

"You're so oblivious," Renjun sighed, placing his hands to lean back on the couch. Her eyes widened at his comment, and Renjun kept smiling at the ground.

"I don't know what you mean," Solmi spoke a little hesitant. "Of course I knew you liked me," she lied awkwardly, but Renjun saw right through her. She didn't, and if she did she would've felt upset at the fact that he kept avoiding her. She'd also be more careful when she'd converse with Mark or even Chenle.

Shaking his head, Renjun 'tsked' at Solmi, "I never said I liked you. I said I don't hate you."

Eyes widening even more, Solmi quickly left the room leaving Renjun alone. She felt like she needed a breather right after that situation. Solmi only enjoyed teasing Renjun because of the way he would react, not because she liked him. Or did she like him?

Whilst walking home, Solmi could only think about Renjun's soft lips. His warm hand as he cupped her cheek while kissing her. His flustered face afterward.

Thinking about this made her heart feel so weak. She told herself to relax, maybe because it's her first kiss. Or maybe because Renjun was the one who kissed her.

Picturing herself kissing Mark made her feel super uncomfortable. Or even thinking about kissing her sunbae made her have chills. But Renjun made her feel so warm and tingly inside, but she didn't know why.

Solmi sighed after having thoughts about their kiss. She decided to take out her sketchbook, and draw something that was on her mind. It took her about 20 minutes to realize that she was drawing Renjun. She threw her sketchbook out of distress. She only found Renjun interesting, but why is is she thinking more about him by the second?

She thought maybe listening to music and taking a shower could help. And so she turned up the heat of the water and listened to a radio station nearby.

"Here is NCT Dream with We Go Up!" the announcer chanted excitedly through her phone. Solmi panicked knowing she would hear Renjun's singing voice, and she quickly paused the music before she could hear him.

Why was he everywhere?


The entire day, Solmi's head was just filled with Renjun. She thought about their moments together—teasing him and what not—and she would smile every dang time.

It made her miss his presence even more, and her heart churned just thinking about how he'd blush because of her.

So, Solmi thought about calling him, but she heard a knock on the door. She peeled through the peephole to find Renjun waiting for her at the door. It took her a few minutes to open the door, and as soon as she opened he looked very impatient.

"Hey! You're just going to walk away from me like that after that kiss!" he scolded at the girl with his arms crossed in front of him.

"Um yes?" she spoke slowly, unsure of what she said was right.



"Why does it matter?!" she laughed awkwardly. Renjun's eyes enlarged angrily.

"I kissed you! What if you're out there with, I don't know? Mark or Chenle?"

"They're my friends Renjun," she whined, unsure on why Renjun would act like that towards his friends. "Besides..."

"Besides? Ugh, what about that sunbae you like at uni?"

"Renjun, why does that matter? You're my fiancé... Besides, you're the one who wanted to go against it in the first place!" she felt her voice grow louder after Renjun commented about her sunbae. After realizing it today, she never really wanted to end this arranged marriage with Renjun because he was him.

Though he's not really upfront with his feelings and he whines a lot, Solmi found it super cute knowing that he liked cartoons, especially Moomin, he's easy to make fun of, and he's passionate about his career. She admired him, and he needed to know that.

His eyes widened at her comment. In a rush, he stumbled out, "Solmi" which caused her to look directly at him after fidgeting with her hands.

"Renjun, I-I don't hate you. And I don't want to help you riot against this marriage anymore."

"I don't want to riot against this marriage either," he chuckled, grabbing Solmi's hands. "In fact, I guess I liked the painting you gave me, uh it's on my wall."

Solmi grinned at the boy, she felt the need to pull him in for a hug, but instead, she pecked his lips instead.

"I'll continue giving you more and more as the years go by!" she cheered, hugging him tightly. Both of their hearts were beating loudly as they were engulfed in each other's embrace.

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