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I wake up with a pounding headache. I hear footsteps behind me. I try to move my hands, but they're tied behind my back. A door opens and someone comes up behind me. "Your awake now," he says and laughs.

"What do you want with me?"

He walks in front of me and crouches down to my level and grabs my face. "Just you darling," he whispers in my ear. "Nothing else," he says and kisses me forcefully. I snatch away from him.

"Get your hands off of me Francis!"

He lets go of my face then slaps me. "Do not talk to me like that."

"What are you gonna do about it?"

He ignores me and takes out a pocket knife and cuts the rope around my hands. I feel a sharp scratch go across my arm. "Sorry," he says sarcastically and makes more cuts on my arms. I hold back tears and he puts the knife back in his pocket.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask through tears.

He smirks. "No, I'm not doing anything honey. You're doing this to yourself."

"Is this all because I broke up with you?!"

He shrugs. "It could be."

"You're fucking crazy! Just wait until Alexander finds out!"

He laughs. "Alexander wont find out anything, just that you're mine and not his."

I look down at the floor, feeling absolutely helpless. I'm terrified. What if he hurts me more than he already has?


Saturday morning, I text John. I haven't heard from him since last night after I took him home. Maybe he's mad at me. Or maybe he's asleep. I guess I'll just wait a little longer. I go downstairs and make some coffee. I hear my phone ring and get a call from John.



"Mr. Laurens?" I say with surprise in my voice.

"Have you seen John?"

"N-no. He's not at home?"

"No and he left his phone and all of his stuff was on the floor by the front door when I came home this morning."

I look around the room. "I'll get our friends together and we'll look for him."

"Thank you Alexander. Tell me if you hear anything."

"Yes sir," I say and hang up the phone.

Oh God. Where could he be?


John looks down at the floor. I feel bad for cutting him, but he shouldn't have broken up with me and none of this would've happened.

I leave the room and go downstairs and get my phone.

Me: Hello Hamilton

Alex: Who is this?

Me: Guess

Alex: Francis?

Me: Good guess

Alex: I swear to god if you have John I'll fucking kill you

Me: Calm down. If you want him back your gonna have to pay

Alex: What

Me: $100,000 in cash a day for 28 days and I'll let him go

Alex: I don't have that money!

Me: no but your father and Johns father does

Alex: How do I get the money to you

Me: Meet me in the park at midnight every night starting tonight

Alex: Alright. You haven't hurt him have you?

Me: maybe I have maybe I haven't

Alex: You bastard! I will kill you

Me: you wouldn't try that would you? After all I have John and you have no idea what I'm capable of

I put down my phone and go back upstairs to Johns room. He pushes himself against a wall when I walk in.

"Guess what sweetheart, you're worth $2,800,000."


"Your little boy toy Alexander is gonna pay me $100,000 a day for you."

"What if he can't get the money?" he says rubbing his wrist where a bruise had appeared from the rope.

"Then you stay with me," I say with a smirk.


"Then you stay with me."

My blood turns to ice. I feel tears in my eyes.

"W-will you let me go when he pays all the money?"


A few tears fall down my face. Francis lifts up my chin so that I'm looking at him. "Don't cry baby. You're not pretty when you cry," he says and kisses me gently.

"I fucking hate you," I mutter.


"I said I fucking hate you."

His face goes red with anger. He snatches me up by my arm and takes me to a bedroom and throws me down on a bed.


I call Mr. Washington and Mr. Laurens and tell them to come to the house as quickly as possible.

"I know where John is. This guy, Francis Kinloch has him, and he wants money."

"How much?" Mr Laurens says, fidgeting.

"100,000 a day for 28 days, so about 3 million."

Mr. Laurens puts his head in his hands. "We have to pay it..."

Mr. Washington sighs. "I'm willing to pay."

"Me too," says Mr. Laurens.

Phat ass oof

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