Part 1 (Mark)

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Along the busy streets of our town, I was just strolling to shake off some stress. I had just finished my exams today and I need a breather from all the toxicity my calc had brought me. Ugh.

To be honest, I really like going out alone. Not that I don't have friends, but I just savour moments whereas I am just all by myself. That is why here I am, shuffling through different shops, aimlessly looking around for nothing.

As I was walking around, I saw a bookshop and went in to check. Then through the glass window of the shop, I saw a familiar face crying amid the crowd.

He was crying, shouting and was already on his knees. So, I decided to approach him.

He's Kim Yugyeom, a junior member from the dance club. I seldom see him in practice because I am always out for catch up reviews. But it is definitely him. Those full bangs, not so chubby cheeks, tall stature, I am certain that it is him.

"Hey," I try to come off softly so that he wouldn't be startled.

He hastily wiped off his tears and propped himself up.


He said with relief, as if he was really pleased that it was I who saw him.

I assisted him up and didn't ask what had happened. It may be too personal for us to talk about it provided that there are still a lot of people looking at us.

"What's wrong Yugyeommie? Want to talk about it?"


So, I gave him a hand and offered him to grab some coffee.

There is this thing in him, he may be young that is why. I just want to snuggle him in and take care if him. I don't know why I am having these weird thoughts. I think I am the one who really needs a cup of warm coffee.

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