Chapter XIII

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  My daughter's exclamation woke me up, I opened my eyes and Zuri jumped on my bed

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My daughter's exclamation woke me up, I opened my eyes and Zuri jumped on my bed.

 - Zuri what's happening - 

- Mommy, you finally woke up -

 - Uncle Aaron said you have free time today -

 - Yes -

 - It means I'm not going to kindergarten -

 - You're going princess - 

- Mom, but dad's also free -

 - How do you know about it ? - 

- He called me -

 - When ? -

 - Yesterday as Penny took care of me -

 - What did your daddy say -

 - He has a surprise for us - 

- Really -

 - Yes mommy - Zuri ran to her room to prepare for her dad's arrival. I went downstairs to make breakfast for myself and my daughter. I went into the kitchen, and there was Kate and Aaron who were preparing breakfast 

- Hey -

 - Hi, how's the action - 

- Well - 

- Just enough -

 - What do you want to know -

 - Everything -

 - Ingrid and I entered the club, we played, danced, drank drinks. When I heard the code, I approached it with our goal. The product had in his car, as he gave it to us then the policemen entered the action. They zakraw us and so on the outpost rozkuli us when our dealer went to the hearing -

 - Just enough ? -

 - What was going to happen -

 - Nothing - 

Kate gave me a cup of strong coffee, I drank it, and Aaron went upstairs to get breakfast for Zuri. Aaron carried Zuri on her back, and she laughed. 

- The young lady did not want to go down to breakfast -

 - Zuri, you know breakfast is the most important meal of the day - 

Aaron set the little one down and she sat down next to me.

 - Auntie, what for today for breakfast -

 - Delicious sandwiches, decorated special for my little roommate -  

- Thank you Aunt - 

Kate gave the butterfly-shaped sandwiches for Zuri. I always wonder where she gets these ideas for children.

 I always wonder where she gets these ideas for children

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 - Enjoy your meal - 

We ate delicious sandwiches prepared by Kate. After breakfast, I went to change, I decided that Zuri would not go to kindergarten today. After 11 a.p. Connor visited us. Zuri was very pleased to see her father. During the last years, when Connor returned to Chicago, they only talked on Skype or on the phone, and when we returned to the city this year, Zuri was happy that she has only her father.

 - Hey -

 - Hey - 

- You are ready to go - 

- Connor, how can I know where you take us -

 - For the city -

 - Connor - 

- It's supposed to be a surprise for Zuri -

 - We're going to a horse stud -

 - Connor -

 - I promised her - 

- What should I take - 

- Nothing, I took care of everything -

 - Zuri, we're going - 

Our daughter came running with her backpack, ready for the trip. We left the house Connor went to the car

 - Connor, what did you do with your car -

 - Nothing - 

- I have two cars now - 

I got into Connor's new car, smelling new. All the way, Zuri asked the questions Connor answered bravely. She wanted to laugh at some of the answers that Connor was explaining to his daughter. After 40 minutes they reached the beautiful horse stud, I must admit that the place has its charm 

- You like girls -

 - Yes - 

- How do you know this place - 

- As a child, we often came here with my mother and my sister -

 - It's beautiful here -

 - Mr. Rhodes is very nice to us - 

- Thank you very much for your hospitality -

 - Mr Murphy, my daughter Zuri and her mother Audrey -  

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