Chapter XVII

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  I went to the locker room, I saw other officers talking, I approached them

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I went to the locker room, I saw other officers talking, I approached them

 - Hi, what's happening -

 - You have not heard - 

- About what -

 - One of ours was shot yesterday during the chase - 

- I did not hear which officer ? - 

- Officer Naomi Michalak - 

- Join us, we collect 50 bucks for her family -

 - Sure - 

I took out my porter from the bag and took out 50 bucks and gave them to my partner, who was collecting donations for the family officer Michalak. I changed into my uniform, went to the briefing with others. Sergeant Platt gave us a description of our perpetrator. I left the station and headed to our police car No. 18, I got to him. During the patrol we started talking. 

- How was your week ? -  

- Well -

 - Noah, maybe something more - 

- You were right, we needed a break from all this -

 - And - 

- Together we have decided that we adopt a child - 

- That's a great message -

 - I will be a father - 

- Noah, I'm really happy - 

- Thanks to you -

 - It was your decision, and I only advised you regarding your wife - 

- Thank you -

 - When you start the adoption procedure - 

- As soon as possible -

 - Who would you like a boy or girl for ? -

 - I want the child to be healthy, no matter how old he is - 

- Together with Brooke, we have found out that we will love every child who will be under our protection -

 - 18 to 00 - 

- 00 to 18 are reported - 

- We received a notification about a domestic argument - 

- Where -

 I accepted the application, we went to the indicated address provided by our dispatcher. We entered the building looking for an address, and when we found it Noah knocked

 - Chicago PD please open - 

No one answered, but I heard someone was there, reached for the radio to get permission to enter the apartment. We got the green light from our dispatcher. I took out my pistol from the cab, so did Noah. I insured him when we entered the apartment. On the floor lay a woman all bloody ran up to her to check the pulse was barely perceptible

 - Is everything OK -

 The victim did not say anything, I already knew that I did not respond to my questions, I turned her on the back, I began to unblock her airways. I heard Noah calling for help, and I was still saving a woman

 - The rescuers will be there soon -

 For a few minutes I cleared her airways. In the end I managed to stabilize her, put her in a safe position, then the rescuers entered the apartment and took her to the hospital.  

- You did a good job,-  I heard from Sylvia, who Kelly introduced me to 

- I was one of you  -  

- Where are you taking her? - my partner asked

- MED -

The rescuers left, and we looked around the apartment, one picture caught my attention

- Noah, is not this the man who shot our friend yesterday -

My partner approached me, took a memory portrait from his pocket

- It's him -

- I'll let you know the headquarters -

Noah approached me, we had to wait for CSI to be able to take evidence to the case file. Other patrols will be looking for this guy. After the arrival of CSI, we secured the area, went to talk to other neighbors, maybe know something or heard. None of the neighbors would talk to me.

- What we're doing now -

- We're going to eat something -

- After something like this -

- I'm setting lunch -

- I will not refuse a free lunch -

We went to the nearest bistro, took a sandwich with vegetables and cappucino, and Noah took a chicken sandwich and black coffee. He started asking me about my previous job. After finishing our break, we started patrolling the street. Nothing happened until the end of the service. I changed into my civilian clothes, and together I went to Molly where the rest of the policemen, firemen, doctors, nurses and rescue workers spent their time after their changes. I approached Connor and sat across from him.

- How your change -

- I lost the patient -

- I'm sorry Connor -

I put my hand on his, let him know I support him, I did it when we were in Saudi Arabia. I know what he needs in situations like today

- Your change Audrie -

- I had to resuscitate the victim -

- She did a good job today,- said Noah, then moved to the next table

- Audrie knows how to react in critical situations -

- I will go for a beer -

- Hermann, give Audrie a beer on my account -

- Rhodes is already doing -

I went to the bar where I picked up a bottle of beer from Hermann. More people came to our table, Kate, Detective Dawson, the Halstead brothers, Severide and Kidd

- Remember how we passed the accident, you stood and you went to help them -

- I remember -

- Audrey, despite being pregnant, pulled a woman and her child out of the car -

to be continue 

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