~[ 4 ]~

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       ~[ Pale to Pink ]~

           What are all those sudden emotions that Yoongi started feeling? Is his skin turning pink from being cold, or did the handsome boy in-front of him make him feel something? Holding his stomach tightly, feeling something weird "I think I'm getting sick.." he thought. But that was just the feeling of butterflies in his stomach that he didn't know of. He was flustered by the sudden nice words that came out of Hoseok, and was confused on he should reply with. "T-Thank you?" He said slowly not sure if it's the right thing to say but he said it anyway.

     Hoseok giggled "Why did you say it in such a way?" He asked, petting sunflower that was now sleeping on the red carpet.

    Yoongi blinked profusely "Um.. I'm unsure on what to reply with." He bit his pink bottom lip, knowing that he probably looks like a complete idiot at that moment. A flustered idiot.

     Hoseok stood up and smiled "It's when you ask for my number." He took out his phone from his pocket and pointed at it smiling.

     Hoseok was straightforward. He knew what he wanted and he wanted to get it. He had no problem in acting that way. "My number... why?" Yoongi asked.

    "Too soon..?" Hoseok thought. He smiled and gazed at sunflower "What if sunflower gets sick at night. I will panic and I'll need someone to tell me what to do." He explained.

   Yoongi's lips turned into an O shape, "Oh! Well I gave him an injection so he should be alright. Don't forget to give him the medicine and he will be okay." He said turning back to normal now and not feeling flustered anymore. Going behind the counter and getting the medicine for him.

   Hoseok woke up sunflower so he can take him home "I guess that will have to do.." he mumbled. Taking out his card to pay also to donate.

   Yoongi scanned the medicine, his eyes widened seeing how much Hoseok donated "Are you sure?!" He asked before clicking next.

   Hoseok smiled "I'm blessed enough that I have money to take care of myself and sunflower, this is nothing." He said.

   Yoongi smiled "If we had more people like you, world hunger would end." He mumbled, accepting the amount and giving Hoseok a discount since he donated.

   "Ah, Thank you." Hoseok said feeling shy after that compliment.

  Yoongi shook his head "No, this is the part where you get my number." He said.

  Hoseok blinked not sure if he heard what Yoongi was saying right. Yoongi smiled and gave him a card. Hoseok realized that it must have been a business card and nodded "Oh, haha thanks." He said feeling rejected and made fun of. Putting it in his pocket and not looking at it.

    Yoongi smiled and watched Hoseok take his bag and sunflower. Taehyung came back "I brought you food boss!" He said happily.

  His boss tilted his head "You shouldn't have spent your money on me. I'm going to eat anyways." He said taking the bag and seeing what he brought him.

   "It will rain, you will get drenched and sick. Also I felt bad for leaving first while you sat here feeling hungry. But Yoongi... are you already sick, your face is pink." He stepped closer to check yoongi's temperature.

    Yoongi backed away "I'm not! It's my skin color." He insisted as he quickly walked to the bathroom.

  Taehyung scratched the back of his head "He's as pale as a ghost, wait...." Taehyung stood realizing what it must have been "HE IS ON DRUGS." He yelled but covered his mouth quickly. Shaking his head in disappointment and looking down "His dark side got the best of him, we lost him to the demons." He said dramatically.

    Hearing a melody coming out of something somewhere. He looked around and saw yoongi's phone. He stared at it terrified "Is he trying to summon some kind of demon?!" He thought as he picked up the phone and shut it off while yelling 'la la la' so he won't get 'possessed'.

    He sighed and quickly ran to the bathroom opening the door and not even knocking. Yoongi's eyes widened. He was just looking at the mirror and trying to wait until that pink on his cheeks faded away. Taehyung pushed Yoongi and looked at his face "Oh good, my handsome face is still here." He sighed.

  "Do you mind?!" Yoongi said not believing that the boy really just opened the bathroom door without knocking to just look at his handsome face.

  "No, I don't. You need help Yoongi, why are you spending the time of your day to look at yourself. Why are you so obsessed." He shook his head as he still looked at his own face in the mirror.

  Yoongi wanted to punch him really badly, but he sighed and smiled "YEAH, I'm the self obsessed rude man. Totally me." He said as he walked out.

  Taehyung shrugged his shoulder and got closer to the mirror "At least he knows" he said.

       Yoongi went to sit on the carpet with his food, Taehyung brought him a chicken sandwich from subway. He wanted to open his phone to look at the time but it never opened. He tilted his head in confusion

   "Why is it shut down?" He mumbled in confusion as he opened it and started eating.

    After it opened, he looked at his phone "I wonder if he will text me." He thought as he kept looking at his phone and kept checking if he has service. Then realizing something "I am pretty sure now, I look like a complete idiot." He sighed.

               ~[ To be continued ]~


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