Save 7: Magic Dragon

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Magic Dragon, puff puff, the magic Dragon Puff, lived by the sea. And in the Autumn mist, in the land of Hanalee...oh, you're here already? Well, I've been busy, but I didn't want to tell anyone about me technically being on hiatus, but you would not believe how long it takes for me to plan these things out, and then make a good story of this soon-to-be massive crossover, but hey, what do I know? I'm just the guy that does everything I can without getting much out of life, so I couldn't possibly...sorry, I was ranting out my frustrations there, but I am in choir, so expect a lot of song references and anime references in the story as well. And without further ado, let's get back to the long awaited story of The Ultimate Gamer~


Issei? POV

(A/n This is both how the MC is thinking to himself, and a description of what is happening in a sense, keep that explanation in mind)

Okay, that was alot more difficult than you would believe, Rimuru made it seem alot easier in the anime and manga, but figuring out the water compression was difficult. But, after I figured out how to use it, I manage to acquire [Water Manipulation], and yes, I did figure out the water blade before leaving the lake, so now I'm searching for any underwater life, but there doesn't appear to be any that I've come across.

Maybe I should just hope that plot convenience does its job, and I end up slamming into Veldora like Rimuru does...
Let's just hope this works...

As I decided to follow the actual story, I ended up shooting myself out of the water like a cannon, and slamming into a wall. Though I already linked [Predator] with [Self Regeneration] beforehand, since I knew I could do that...I am probably much stronger than Rimuru was at this point, and I scavenged resources alot as well. Oh, I think I hear something...kind of...

Hello, little one. Can you hear me

Huh? Was this what they said before?

Hello, I am speaking to you...

He sounds a bit angry, crap! How do I respond again!?


Shut up! I'm trying to figure out how I respond old man!!

. . .

Old Man?...


No one has ever talked to me this way you have a death wish!?

I'm sorry! Please don't hurt me whoever you are!!

Wait, is it possible that you can't in fact see me?

Well, no, everything is just dark, I can't really see anything.

Well, in that case, I will teach you how to see. It's a skill called [Magic Sense], but before I teach you, you must promise me one thing

And that is?...

That you will not be afraid once you see me

Alright, I can do that...I think...

Alright, feel the magicules around you, use them, sense them and how they move and flow from everywhere and everything.

Alright...hey, I think I'm getting something!

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