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((Busy 2 hours))

Levi's POV ((btw it's about 3 am))

The moon was still out. I can't help thinking about last night and how Erwin fucking smith kissed me. I sigh as I remember what Hanji did. "Hanji you can be so annoying at times I swear." I speak as we walk into the dimly lit mess house ((aka food court)) "I wasn't annoying last night now was I??" I turn around. "No you were EXTREMELY annoying!" I say. I turn back around and walk to the table that Hanji, Mike, Erwin, and I share. I sit in my usual spot and cross my arms. Hanji sits down next to mike. "Aw come on shortie!!" She speaks. I roll my eyes. "I was just excited that's all! I know how much you liked him. He was there for you after ya know." My eyes widen. " Hanji." Mike says quietly. "After what Hanji." I glare at her. "I thought we all promised to never speak of the incident with Petra." She looks down. I get up angrily and turn around I bumped into someone and fall on my ass. I growl and open my eyes. "Sorry Levi! I wasn't looking." Erwin speaks. "It's fine." I say angrily. He holds out his hand to help me up and I take it. "Thanks." I glare over at Hanji. Suddenly this huge wave of guilt and sadness comes over me. "Levi are you -" I hear Erwin say. I run out of the mess hall as tears stream down my cheeks. I run faster through the moonlit morning. As I run into the coperal building. I run into my oak door and open and slam it shut. "WHY DID YOU HAVE TO DIE!" I punch the wall in anger. "ITS ALL MY FAULT!" I punch it again. I stomp over to my dresser.  (( trigger warning!!))
I roll up my sleeve and grab my knife and hold my wrist. Hot tears stream down my red cheeks. I look into the mirror. "Who could love an ugly bastard like me." I slit my wrist as warm crimson blood falls down my wrist. I wince at the pain. "Why does he even waist his time on me." I cut again. KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK. "LEVI!? ARE YOU IN THERE?" Erwin's voice comes through the door. "IF YOU DONT OPEN UP IM BREAKING THE DOOR DOWN!" I look In the mirror and sigh. "ONE," I cut my wrist again. "TWO," and again. "THREE!" Before I could do another the door slams open and Erwin runs over. He grabs my hand with the knife and takes the knife blade. It cuts his hand as he grips it tightly and throws the bloody knife across the room. "WHAT WERE YOU DOING LEVI!? AGAIN!?" He looks at me with pain filled eyes. His bleeding hand gripping my arm. Tears keep streaming down my face, tears fill in Erwin's blue eyes. "Levi. I know it's hard." He pulls me into a hug. His tears fall onto my jacket. "Please Levi. Come to me instead of doing this." He hugs me tight. I close my eyes and stay silent. He pulls away. He grabs my hand with his clean one and walks me to my bed. He sits me down and gets the first aid kit in my room. "Hold up your wrist please." I do as told like a helpless child. He puts on some cream that stung like hell. "Ow!" I growl. "Sorry." He looks in my eyes. I calm down a bit as he wraps a bandage around my wrist. He sits next to me once he's done and wraps his hand up. "Levi please I care too much about you." He finishes and grabs both of my hands. "Erwin I'm not a child." I say. "Levi, I love you." He says with a straight face. "I love you too brat." He smiles at the words and kisses me on my cold tear stained cheek. "You can stay here today with Hanji. Mike and I will do the meeting in Wall Rose. I'm trusting you not to do anything to harm yourself."He gets up and takes the knife on the floor. "Just in case I'm taking this." He frowns at me. I get up and hug him. "Your an idiot Erwin." I pull away and look at him. "I'm sorry Levi." Erwin says. I nod and walk out of the room with Erwin. Suddenly three seconds later I'm on my ass again. "OHMYGODLEVIIMSOSORRYISHOULDNTHAVESAIDANYTHING!!" Hanji hugs my basically dead corpse. "Dumb ass you knocked me over!" Mike walks calmly over to Erwin who's basically laughing his ass off. "I hate you four eyes." She gets up. "Love ya too Levi." She winks at me and gives me her hand. I take it and she hoists me up like I'm a filthy rag. "Dumb ass your trying to hurt me?!" She laughs. "Sorry Levi!!" I roll my eyes. "Erwin what happened to your hand." She asks. "Oh! I just got a splinter, from uh Levi's door!" I pull down my jacket sleeve to cover up my bandage. "Wow Erwin! Such a weakling!" Hanji jokes. "If it weren't for your eyebrows you'd have nothing to make up for it!!" He playfully punches Hanji s arm. "Ok whatever. You've known I was one for a while idiot." "Commander Smith!" I look over and see Armin. "I need to talk to you again sir." He salutes. "Again? What is it now? We talked this morning." He shrugs. "Jean and Eren got into another fight." "And why at four am?" Hanji asks. "I really don't know." He answers. "Mike can you take care of it." Erwin asks. Mike nods. And they both leave. Erwin sighs. "Those two are always getting into trouble." "What happened this morning?" Hanji asks. "Well...."

-flashback to earlier-

Erwin's POV

"Commander Erwin. We need to talk." I Turn around and see Eren. "Oh! Hello scout-" "I need to move bunk rooms sir." He interrupts me. I shake my head. "Why may I ask." This ass hole names Jean keeps bothering me about my sister." "Oh, well I-" "JEAGER YOU ASSHOLE." Suddenly a horse faced male named jean marches down the hall. "YOU TATTLE TAIL!" He then tackles Eren. Armin now runs down the hall after Jean.
"JEAN YOU SAUSAGE WALLET!" Eren screams. I pry Jean off. "This is terrible behavior both of you! Laps now!" I bark at them. The look down at the floor and salute. "Armin!" Armin turns around to face me. "Y-yes sir?" "I want you to watch them." He nods and salutes. I sigh and head to the mess hall to Levi and the others.

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