10 Reasons Why I am NOT Beautiful

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1 Once you take a look at me you see every bit of fat hanging from every bit of my body like your damp bed sheets on the clothesline, because once you touch me I am not the way you want me to feel so you hang me in front of everyone, and show them that I am not beautiful.

2 The moment I open my mouth you see my imperfect teeth and you try your best not to but you can't help but stare at them whenever I speak to you. My teeth are nothing but a flaw in your perfect little world and you're afraid that my teeth will destroy everything that you consider PERFECT

3 You see my body out of proportion and think that I! Am not beautiful enough to make you love me. With my arms too short and my fingers to fat, my thighs too big and my hips too wide. You see that my eyes are not lined up perfectly and my nose is slightly crooked, but my lips are so close to perfection but you don't want to see it and you're so afraid to kiss them.

4 Momma thought she was beautiful only when she wore her layers of makeup and told me that I would be beautiful too. But mom I don't wanna wear makeup. It makes my face feel weird, makes me itch and scratch and tear my face because it is not pretty enough to keep natural.

5 I can't help but look in the mirror in nothing but my shame, for I let a man use my body for his sexual needs only because he called me," sexy," confusing "sexiness" with beauty. So as he took off my clothing he took away my sanity.

6 The boy in my biology class texted me right after school and told me I was "thick as fuck" ...... WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT EVEN MEAN?!

7 The girl I liked told me that I was pretty. My stomach playing all kinds of tricks on me. She messaged me every day telling me I was "pretty." Then it was every other day. Then a couple times a week. Then it was a couple times a month until she just stopped. I wasn't "pretty" enough to make her stay. I wasn't "pretty" enough compared to that GUY. He was qualified for your heart and I just didn't reach your standards.

8 Every time I look into the mirror I see my reflection but every time I look into her eyes I see that sparkle as she looks back at me and says to me "I want to be beautiful" I looked at the girl in front of me, my eyes scanning her body up and down trying to figure out how to tell her that She already was beautiful.

9 I woke up one morning and looked into the mirror. My stomach was not flat, my fingers were not thin, and my teeth were not straight. My smile was not perfect but it was enough to make you smile. It was enough to make the sun brighter and the moon glisten. My lips were enough to satisfy you. They were enough to make the sea part and the skies clear.

9 My STOMACH was not flat, my FINGERS were not thin, and my TEETH were not straight.

9 But they were just enough to make me look back and see that I was beautiful.

10 I woke up one morning and saw myself. I was beautiful. I AM beautiful. 

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