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We reach my room, and he finally lets go of me.

I rub my wrist, and stare at his back, which is all I can see of him.

"Wait," I tap him on the shoulder, then try to turn him around. I fail. "Are you really serious?"

"Weren't you?" He asks.

"It was sarcasm. Come on, you've been around me for like, what, five mon-"

"Six." He corrects me, finally getting the door open.

"Okay, six months. I thought you would have been able to tell when I was joking or not."

"Well, I'm not joking, Yuri. And answer me something." He turns around to me, und there's something in his eyes that I've never seen before. It's weird, like it's looking me over. Shivers run over my body. It's pleasant, almost.

And then I get it.

It's the same look Viktor gives Yuuri when he skates Eros.

"What?" I finally manage to get the word out. He slowly, slowly drags his eyes up to my face.

"Would you ever do it?"

"Do what?"

"What you implied on the ice. Sex." He begins to walk into my room near the end of the sentence, meaning I have to follow him in order for him to hear my answer.

I'm stunned. Never before would I have heard those words leave Otabek's mouth.

But then again, we've come so far....

Und I still don't know what to call him.

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