I. Way Back When

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"Cement these things in stone..."


She'd known for some time that she loved her. Since they were kids, something about those blazing hazel eyes, and that Sandy brown hair, and that childlike smile accompanied by a lone dimple, Kelly was head over heels before she even knew what to call it.

Beyoncé was a rare commodity, in a room full of people she was destined to stand out, eyes immediately turned to her, she was breathtaking physically, but mentally and emotionally she was on a whole nother plane, Kelly was addicted to her personality, she oozed confidence with a subtle humbleness to her, mixed in with her charming southern nature...she was a dime plus 99.

So of course it wasn't hard to become her friend, especially since Beyoncé had a hard time making them, a lot of girls were jealous because she was undeniably pretty, even at the tender age of 10, her mother's already strong creole genes had showcased themselves, long hair, hazel eyes, butterscotch skin tone.

Kelly took note of all this, and instead of being jealous she befriended the younger girl, quickly Kelly realized Beyoncé didn't know how pretty she was...or maybe she just didn't care, she wasn't obsessed with her looks or chasing after boys, she'd much rather play outside all day and get dirty, Kelly liked that about her.

Soon enough they'd become attached at the hip, they were inseparable, so much so that they told each-other everything, even though there weren't too many secrets a pair of 10 year olds could have they knew each others well. But nothing felt better then when for the first time ever Beyoncé had verbally cemented their friendship, for some reason the younger girl always danced around the word, and for that reason it was etched into Kelly's memory like it happened yesterday.


"Kellz what's wrong? I thought you loved the Cosby show?" Beyoncé asked as they sat huddled under a mound of blankets in her living room, Kelly did love the Cosby show but it didn't seem to mend any of the despair she was feeling, but she could appreciate the fact that Beyoncé had put the show on to cheer her up, that was one thing she admired often about the younger girl, she did whatever she could to make everyone around her feel comfortable.

"I do...but I guess I'm just not feelin' it today." Kelly responded somberly, her mood had been low all day, she'd walked in on her mother crying this morning on the phone, Kelly knew she wasn't supposed to hear that her mother couldn't pay the bills but she had and it made her feel extremely sad inside, she felt like a burden.

"Is it me? D-did I do something? Whatever it is I promise I can—" Beyoncé began to say but Kelly quickly shook her head before the younger girl could get herself worked up, she knew Beyoncé was extremely emotional and hated for anyone to be mad at her, it'd eat her up inside.

"No BeyBey...it's not you, you didn't do anything." Kelly soothed using her nickname, feeling her mood lift slightly at the sight of Beyoncé visibly relaxing knowing she wasn't the cause of her low morale.

"So what's up then? You're never quiet watching the Cosby's" Beyoncé asked, Kelly smiled lightly, she knew the other girl wouldn't quit until she got an answer out of her.

"I guess...my momma having trouble paying bills, I seen her crying this morning, she works so hard and I feel like if it won't for me she wouldn't have to." Kelly expressed, she felt the burning sensation of tears behind her eyes, frustrated that her mother was struggling and she couldn't do anything about it.

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