II. Purple Rain

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"It's such a shame our friendship had to end..."



Kelly found herself sitting on the edge of a plush bed, a silk robe the only protection covering her body, the expensive sheets made of the same material as she clutched them tightly in her hand, she was fed up and she knew she had no one to blame but herself.

"We need to stop this." Kelly whispered out so quietly she'd barely even heard herself utter the words, and even though her lover was wrapped tightly in the burgundy colored duvet she knew she was awake and that she'd heard her.

"Why?" Her lover questioned in that deep southern accent she loved so much to hear.

Kelly turned around and stared incredulously at the love of her life, her blonde hair tussled from their rounds of passionate love making, her gorgeous eyes bore back into her own.

"You're about to get married Giselle...to someone else." Kelly whispered harshly as she watched hazel eyes leave her own in a look of shame. They'd been doing this for over 10 years...only for the superstar to vow herself to someone else...someone that wasn't Kelly, at first it seemed to be for publicity for the younger woman's budding career, but then Kelly noticed 'studio sessions' turned into dinner dates, and dates turned into trips out of the country, and before long 'Jay-Z', whom she now knew as 'Shawn', turned into a permanent fixture in Beyoncé's life, no matter how much she claimed she 'didn't' love him, Kelly knew she did.

Even though her and Beyoncé's love was on the low, only being known by close family and friends, it still hurt Kelly to no end, and it hurt even more that she just couldn't seem to leave the blonde alone.

"I know and I'm sorry...but I can't just leave you alone baby." Beyoncé said sincerely, Kelly shook her head hearing the sheets rustle and then felt the intoxicating presence of the only woman she'd ever loved behind her, she felt a gentle kiss on her shoulder as Beyoncé leaned against her.

"Even if I could leave you alone...I still wouldn't." The words were whispered into her skin, Kelly felt a sudden anger course through her veins, she loved Beyoncé but she'd be damned if she became some side chick.

Kelly removed herself from the other woman's hold and stood up to look at her.

"Well if you can't I will." Kelly said before going to gather her things, all against Beyoncé's protest.

That was the last time they spoke.

Beyoncé's wedding came and went, of course she'd been invited but she couldn't bring herself to go through with it, she called Mama Tina and apologized, she was thankful the older woman was understanding, but one thing she said caught her attention.

"Honey you know she loves you...she's just confused is all." Tina spoke hesitantly over the line.

Kelly took in the words of the woman she loved as if she were her own mother, but she couldn't help but disagree with her.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2023 ⏰

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