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Kisses got more passionate as his hands trailed underneath your shirt and softly squeezing your hips and your hands ruffled in his hair.

The smell of alcohol still lingered in his breath, but you didn't mind. The only thing that mattered was him.

His lips touched your neck, sending chills down your spine.

You opened your eyes and stared at the roof of the car and felt your stomach sink.

Tom noticed your change in mood, pulling from your neck, looking at you with concerned eyes.

"Hey, Y/N? Love are you okay?" He asked softly, his hand cupping your jaw.

You looked at him, debating to lie to him and act like everything is fine, or tel him the truth.

But you knew you couldn't lie to him. Tom has known you your whole life, he knows when you're lying.

"Maybe, we are taking this...too fast," you admitted, "I've never had sex with anyone before. I've barely kissed my past boyfriends and.." you started to ramble, feeling Tom would pull away from you and take you home on the spot.

But his reaction was different than you expected. He was...smiling.

Tom couldn't help but smile at you, hearing you ramble helped him realize that you were right, that sex wasn't the answer right now, you just basically agreed to be with him. You were special to him to just jump into this head first. Tom wanted to cherish this moment, even if it meant just cuddling next to you.

He was perfectly fine just being with you.

"Y/N, it's okay, stop rambling," he smiled even more, "we don't have to do this now, we don't even have to do it later or even ever. I'll wait has long as it takes until you're ready."

You smiled brightly giving him a quick kiss and pulling him down onto you embracing him in a tight hug.

Tom's heart raced, he's never felt this happy with someone before. Plenty of girls have gotten his heart racing but not like you have.

Tom has loved you for as long as he can remember, but it hit him hard that one day.

You sitting in the living room reading a book keeping yourself away from everyone else. Him walking into the house without a shirt on and you throwing the book at him for his smart remarks.

And the stares you've given him, the eye lock you two did. The first time you've both actually locked eyes for longer than a few seconds.

It was that moment he realized he was fucked and was wrapped around your finger. He tried fighting that feeling ever since. Being away from you whole filming movies and shows and touring around the world with Harrison made it easier, but the feeling was still ever there.

He loved you.

More than he could say in words.

Tom drove you home and gave you the sweetest goodnight kiss.

You tipped toed inside the house, peeking out the window, watching as Tom parked his car in the drive way of his home and he jogging inside the house.

You smiled. You were filled with complete happiness and nothing could stop that.

"Where have you been?"

Except for that.

You turned around, seeing Sam and Harrison with their arms crossed standing side by side.

"I've been...out?" You said, not exactly lying.

"I saw you and Tom leave together," Sam said sternly, "where did y'all go?"

You glanced at Harrison, he gave you the look of 'you need to tell him the truth', and you knew he was right.

"Yeah I was with Tom," you said looking back at Sam, but the look on his face killed you, "you were right, there was something going on with Tom and I. We kinda got into an argument after the festival and I caught him smoking and drinking at the party, and we got into another argument. So I tried to leave and he chased after me and we fixed our issue."

You looked back at Harrison, his eyes narrowed at you...he was pissed.

"What was the issue?" Sam asked.

"Just the regular shit we fight about," you lied, "he took a joke too far and I got mad. That's it."

Sam nodded his head then quickly embraced you in a hug, "I got worried. It's been hours and neither you or Tom were answering your phones."

You hugged him back tightly, your heart breaking.

Sam let you go, "well I need to get home now, we are going to the beach tomorrow, we could get Harry and Em to drop the subject."

You nodded and watched Sam walk from the house.

Once the door closed, you knew you were gonna get an earful from your cousin.

"Y/N what do you think you're doing?"

"I can't tell him yet, Haz!"

"And why not?" He asked his eyes sterner than before.

"Because, we've believed in our rules since we were like eight! We've followed it like it was some religion! Do you know how hard it would be to even tell him?"

Harrison looked to the ground and nodded, "I suppose you're right. But Sam can't be kept in the dark forever."

You nodded, "I know..."

Harrison placed his hand on your shoulder, "well get some sleep, we are all going to the beach."

You nodded again, starting to head to your room, but turned back to him, "are you going home?"

Harrison shook his head, "nope. Tom asked me to stay with him tonight."

You raised a brow, "but you both have an apartment together?"

"Psh, so? Tom is homesick, we'll go back after the beach tomorrow."

You nodded once again, going up the stairs to your room and hearing haz walk out the front door.

You couldn't help but smile again, the thought of Tom filled your brain and heart. Things will finally look up and you believed that.

Tom was finally yours after all this time, nothing could change how you feel in this moment.

Kissing Booth • Tom Holland [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now