The Fallen Angel

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True to the queen's word, Lucy grew up to be everything the queen wasn't. Beautiful, gentle and courageous were the qualities that she had that the queen desperately desired. Hair as black as a raven's wing and pale skin as white as snow. Peachy-pink lips which hid her pearl-white teeth and eyes that sparkled when she smiled. Surely this little angel had nothing to hide? Nothing dangerous and nothing to fear?

For Lucy, being perfect had a price, for however beautiful Lucy was, she was feared throughout the land due to the actions of her mother. Everywhere she went, the animals she tried to pet and the people she tried to talk to, all shrank back back in fear. The animals fled at the sight of Lucy, the villagers turned their backs on her and the fairies vanished in a small cloud of smoke. Everyone feared her, everyone mocked her, and she didn't know why.

The queen desperately wished to see her daughter to be happy, but everyday she watched as Lucy came running home with tears streaming down her rosy-pink cheeks. As strong, feared and powerful the queen was, she was unable to tell Lucy the truth of her past and risk losing her beloved daughter.

"It's just not fair!" Lucy sobbed into her mother's arms. "What did do wrong to deserve this? Everyday Itry so hard to make friends but what do they do? They run away! It's not fair! It's just not fair!" 

"Lucy, stop this! You are beautiful, kind and brave, you have all the qualities that i don't have! If the village does not accept you -" 

"But they will never accept me! They run away, mock me and exclude me from everything they do! I wish... I wish... I wish i can make them pay... For 16 years I hoped that they woud change, to accept me and learn that I am not so different from them. I have eyes, arms, legs and a heart! But now i see that there is no hope. They will never change, and now I know that I WILL make them pay! I will make them pay for everything that they have ever done to me, every time I was excluded and mocked. They will pay!" 

Fueled by her anger and hurt, the new Lucy drew back from her mother's arms and made her way to her room. Stunned, Lucy's words rang in the queen's ears.

"I will make them pay for everything that they have ever done to me, every time I was excluded and mocked. They will pay!" 

The queen slid to the floor, hurt and confused. Her beloved daughter, her beloved Lucy had been destroyed. The light she hoped to guide her in the darkness had been put out. What was she going to do? What had she done?

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